
90 Night Elf Hunter
That's right. I said it.

Do somethin'.
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100 Gnome Priest
*raises hand*

Yes? How may I be of service? Are you in need of a Doctor? ...or perhaps a Fishmonger?

*hefts up an Albacore as large as him*
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100 Human Mage
((It is with excruciating discomfort that I distance myself from the enormous temptation to participate in this enticing thread))
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100 Gnome Priest
*Passes out advertisements, while singing.*

If you have a note to send on which your life depends,
and you don't have any time to spare!
To solve all your concerns, you know where you can turn-
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72 Gnome Warlock
*scowls at thread*

Watch Brutality!

*hops the next tram to Ironforge*
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100 Human Mage
*scowls at thread*

Watch Brutality!

*hops the next tram to Ironforge*

*jams a spike in the tram rail*
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38 Gnome Priest
*wonders into thread, trips over spike in tram rail, cries like a little girl, then figures out how to solve the marshmallow bunny epidemic by cramming a bunch on ghosts into bunny shaped cookie cutters and sprinkling pink glitter sprinkles on them before leaving*
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34 Gnome Rogue
*Glares at Noikona*

That wasn't very nice!
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90 Gnome Rogue
That's right. I said it.

Do somethin'.

Keep a lid on it long ears, lest you want them shortened. I can do that fer free.
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44 Human Warlock
Disgusting creatures... Purge from our lands. Purge from existence. They shall die. All will perish. Hah...hahahmwhahahahaheha..hahehehaha!

The tram is a start. Next... A plague? No! Too predictable. Lions? Tigers? Bears?

"Oh my."
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100 Gnome Warlock
Disgusting creatures... Purge from our lands. Purge from existence. They shall die. All will perish. Hah...hahahmwhahahahaheha..hahehehaha!

The tram is a start. Next... A plague? No! Too predictable. Lions? Tigers? Bears?

"Oh my."

*great gouts of flame erupt to reveal the short, cute, and smartly dressed conjurer*

How DARE you threaten the MIGHT of the Gnomerian! You shall perish for your insolence! Muahahahah! MUAHAHAH! AHHHH-HAHAHAHAHA!

*more fire and flames explode behind her, showering hellish sparks! They rise higher and higher as her maniacal laughter grows! Her pretty emerald eye becoming more fierce.*


*in the background, Chomat (the Imp) works feverishly fanning the flame, igniting pyrotechnics, tossing sparklers into the air and dusting plumes of the highly combustible Supersparkly-Glitterinfusedblastpowder*
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100 Human Mage
Excerpt from Noikona’s notes…

Gnome noun /nōm/

1. A small mischievous humanoid (not to be confused with the imp). Most gnomes are overly friendly and affectionate. Most exhibit far too much energy and consume disproportionate amounts of sugary substances. In later years the gnome appears to tone down dramatically becoming lethargic and easy prey. For those that are not forewarned of the younger specimens of the species. The gnome can be portrayed as annoying and exasperating to the point of causing the target of the gnome to want to flee in terror. The psychological ramifications of a chance encounter with the species can cause long lasting mental discomfort and therapy may be needed for at least a partial recovery.
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34 Gnome Rogue
From Nabbi's scribbles:

Draenei noun /goat people/

1. Tall, huge, gargantuan space people (not to be confused with humans - because, let's face it humans are just gnomes who outgrew their britches). Except in very rare situations goat people are apt to act high and mighty (not entirely unreasonable considering their stature).

All gnomes should beware of these goat people. It is highly probable one might try to trip you (not an easy thing to avoid as their hooves are HUMONGOUS). I would also recommend not provoking them. You might be gnome-napped and chained in basement.
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