Study hall was the worst. The. Worst. For like a bajillion hours, Khromie had been half-heartedly drawing poison apple green eyes all over her copy of Dr. Mahlr'D's latest extremely dense and complicated article on emergency blood transfusions. Reaching her breaking point, Khromie heaved a sigh and raised her hand.
Brother Benjamin one-upped Khromie's sigh and eyed the junior medic cautiously.
"Yes, Sister Khromie?"
Khromie held up her Razzle Dazzle Rainbow Wand and twirled it like a little baton as she replied, "B.B., my highlighter's broken!"
Brother Benjamin felt his palm gravitate instinctively towards his face. "Do you mean it's out of ink?"
Khromie nodded with so much vigor that it required her to hop onto the table, garnering a few glares from her more studious classmates. "Yeah, it's broken! Like, SO broken!"
"You're welcome to borrow mine, or I'm sure any of your peers will be happy to lend you theirs."
Khromie shook her head. "I can only concentrate with a Razzle Dazzle Rainbow Wand, patented by Sizzspring Polyspan Brightspark! May I pretty, pretty, prettiest PLEASE go buy another one? PUHLEAAAAASE?"
Brother Benjamin entertained the thought of denying the request, then shuddered at the memory of Sister Khromie's newest game, something she liked to call Surprise Mammoth. With another heavy sigh, Brother Benjamin dismissed Khromie with a flick of his wrist.
"Fine. You have half-an-hour, Sister Khromie. If you're late, you know I'll have to report you to Mother Superior."
One of Khromie's classmates snapped. "For fel's sake, she's not even good at cleaning the toilets! If my bum gets covered in glitter one more time I'll--"
Brother Benjamin cast a stern look at the prelate, cutting off his outburst. "That's enough, Brother Charles. Sister Khromie, go buy your Razzle Daz...Your highlighter. Be prompt about it and return at once."
"HOORAAAAY! Light be with you, et cetera, et cetera, B.B.! Van Winkle, to the Blu--to the stationary store!" Her altar-yeti in tow, Khromie ran through the halls of the Cathedral, singing a jaunty tune.
Just a few, teensy weensy drinks later, Khromie was on her way out of the Blue Recluse with five minutes left to spare when she spotted the fishmonger's notice. What luck! This was JUST the sort of services she was looking for! She searched her pockets for something to write with and pulled out her trusty Razzle Dazzle Rainbow Wand which, of course, was not at all broken. Checking her pocketwatch, Khromie penned a hasty reply.
Dear Friend Fishmonger!
Please send ALL the fish in your inventory to one Mister Fatcat Boopin of the Pea Farmers. Please bill Tom Winter, also of the Pea Farmers.
Khromie Overspark
So excited by the opportunity to make amends to Mister Boopin for mistaking him for an imposter, Khromie failed to notice that this fishmonger and the esteemed medical scholar whose work she had just been studying were one and the same. As Khromie decorated her signature with hearts and a baby unicorn, Van Winkle tugged on her arm with a low yowl. Khromie squeaked. She was late.