Kor'Kron RP at times abused and failed

90 Draenei Priest
While level shouldn't play a part in RP, I do find myself making unconscious judgements about a character because of their level. It's just that this person has not put as much time and effort into their character as I have, I think, so why, again, should they be able to overpower me?

I know that still doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and I never actually ostracize anyone because of the amount of time they've put into a character, but it's still a judgement that I make.
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It's just that this person has not put as much time and effort into their character as I have

But you can't know that. I have a character in my heavy RP guild that's sat at 60 for four years, and she's RPed the whole time. She just doesn't like leveling. Character level is not commensurate to player effort.
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90 Draenei Priest
I would say that's mostly an outlying case. Again, I said that it was a judgement that I make unfairly. However, when you see the worst offenders for this type of RP, one of the qualities you'll typically see is low level, at least from my personal experience.

While level is not the sole measurement for the amount of time put into a character, it is the most blatantly obvious and most common.
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85 Troll Death Knight
Okay people keep saying level should not matter in RP, I hear this a lot and mostly agree. Save in certain cases. I am not saying only 70+ chars should be allowed to RP.

We all love our characters, particularly the ones we have RPed for a long time. We put a lot of time and effort into what they have become.

Now lets say I make an alt today, spend only today working on him and his MRP. Then I walk around RP hubs expecting to be able to have authority over your character that you have RPed perhaps as a great member of your faction for a couple years now, because I have a few certain words in my MRP.

While typing this I keep hearing Judge Dredd in my head : "I am the law!"

If you want to RP a grunt from level 1 that's fine, but there is a big difference between a grunt and a Kor Kron. Just like there is a big difference between a foot man and a knight.
A regular mage and a Arch mage. Priest and High priest. So on and so forth.

If you want the IC respect that comes with a title, you need to earn it by doing more work than just hitting the letters on your key board and hitting save.

Also I'm not saying all of them are bad, hence the tag for the post 'at times'.
Edited by Modune on 6/27/2013 11:53 AM PDT
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100 Tauren Paladin
If you want the IC respect that comes with a title, you need to earn it by doing more work than just hitting the letters on your key board and hitting save.

Level does not matter. Everyone should deserve the same respect when it comes to RP. There have been discussions about this same thing before and all they were, were flame wars. We should more likely stick to the topic about Kor'kron/Rebels/Etc than game mechanics.
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I'm weird. I've been RPing on Carvyre here for a long time. Rank? Scout. What rank I plan for her to obtain ICly? Scout. I've no problem "Higher ranking, lower level" characters giving her orders... 'cept she's a rebel now and there's no real ranking system there. But you know what I mean.

But, I also know what you mostly mean. Some people can feel that their character deserves more IC respect, because they have been playing them longer than the person that is bossing them around. But, in my opinion it comes down to just. "It's my character" And people playing that character will think their character is more important, because it's theirs. People often see roleplaying as that their character is the main character, of their story and everyone eles is supporting roles. Thus, not important.

Not sure I'm totally on topic with that, but just throwing that out there. From what I've seen, that's the biggest reason for the "My character is best" mentality.
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100 Orc Warrior
I normally don't care what level people are in RP, but in this case I sort of agree with Modune, but probably not for the same reasons.

In MY opinion, if you're going to RP a Kor'kron... you better have the uniform. This uniform cannot be worn unless you're roughly level 58-60, so, to me, Kor'kron should at least be in that level range and in the armor. If you're in the more recent Kor'kron crowd, then I expect to see you in warrior tier 9 - ala myself - and perhaps mix it with certain pieces of Northrend gear so you properly match the new armor set to the best of your capability.

It's just that if you run around in level 2 armor screaming you're a Kor'kron... who has any cause to believe your character? Or should they just because you said so?
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85 Troll Death Knight
But Carvyre, didn't you hear? I am the most important character in RP... ever.. That wasn't thrall at the maelstrom it was Modune in an orc* suit. Trufax
Edited by Modune on 6/27/2013 12:04 PM PDT
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But Carvyre, didn't you hear? I am the most important character in RP... ever.. That wasn't thrall at the maelstrom it was Modune in an orc* suit. Trufax

The secret is out.
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90 Tauren Paladin
You know, the last time I saw this argument come about, it ultimately derailed into something or other about sexism or some such nonsense. That being said, I see this thread going places~.

But serious talk now, and I shall be blunt.

No matter how much you discuss this. No matter how much you debate it. No matter how much you attempt to make justifications for why levels matter. No matter how many examples as why the writing is what matters or the time spent determines validity.

There will never be an official ruling for what is and is not OK within the RP setting of this game regarding the presentation of characters.

Everyone has their own set of standards on what they think is chill and what is pants-on-head silly. You can {try} to make something that encompasses everyone's interests, everyone's beliefs, and everyone's standards. But it will ultimately fail.

However, there is a theme amidst all of this discussion, and it's an important one: trust.

No matter what the situation is, (levels, MRP, SUDDENLY DRAGONS, whatever), if there is no trust involved between peers, then RP cannot exist. When you RP with people you know, you know that they'll respect what you feel is OK, and they will LISTEN when appropriate. Because COMMUNICATION allows for people to portray how they play their character in the first place.

Without that communication, there is no RP, because there is no exchange of ideas. If no one listens, then nothing happens! And at that point, you aren't left with RP. You're left with (*drumroll*) nothing!

The problem stems not from what should or should not be correct. It stems from people not communicating what they think is and is not OK for them. And, shock and awe here, everyone has their own standards, limits, likes, dislikes, and so forth!

Some people are going to be more open or expect more people to {be} open when they make an extreme action with their characters. Some people are going to be more reclusive and cliquish with their RP as they only really care to RP with friends rather than complete strangers. And then there are some who like both. There are people love their characters. People who view them as tools to throw away. There are different levels of investment, and there are different levels of committment to lore.

But in ANY of these circumstances, no matter how ridiculous, can anyone say "No. That is wrong. Get off the server."?


Sure, there can be a majority disagreement, but that does NOT account for every player in the game. It does NOT account for the people who don't even involve themselves in these discussions. Within your guilds, groups of friends, go nuts. That's your group, and you have the say-so as to what is acceptible and what is not, and likely you are with people that will agree with most if not everything stated.

When you play in the open world outside of that circle, however, you extend your hand to anyone who has done the same. Some are going to be more receptive than others. Some will use completely different language than another. And some are going to play by completely different rules than you are used to.

So what can be done?

The simplest solution is to be open with one another. To not be afraid to talk things through or openly discuss what someone is comfortable with. And if nothing can be decided, there's always an option to get on your mount and fly off. The RP police isn't going to arrest you for disagreeing in being a part of something if that was something you never agreed to in the first place. That implies a lack of trust between players. And without trust, RP cannot exist.

Which is why I find it absolutely hilarious that people knock on intimate RP (some of you may see this as being ERP). While it may not be OK in the ToS or publically acceptible with most circles, think on what is involved: two or more individuals who have similar tastes in something which work together to foster something through creative collaboration and trust what the other will do. Sound familiar?

Another way of phrasing it for those who inolve themselves in intimate RP (no matter the kind): would you open up something deeply emotional or sensual to a complete stranger who does not know you or you know them? That sounds like a recipe for disaster in most cases (though there can be some very, very strong if rare exceptions).

My point is this: there is no feasible or reasonable way to dictate to someone what is or is not OK to RP in a game where no such jurisdiction exists. In the open world, the best you can do is keep yourself open to new (if strange) ideas and to respectfully decline those you want to have no part in.
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100 Orc Warrior
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10 Worgen Druid
I normally don't care what level people are in RP, but in this case I sort of agree with Modune, but probably not for the same reasons.

In MY opinion, if you're going to RP a Kor'kron... you better have the uniform. This uniform cannot be worn unless you're roughly level 58-60, so, to me, Kor'kron should at least be in that level range and in the armor. If you're in the more recent Kor'kron crowd, then I expect to see you in warrior tier 9 - ala myself - and perhaps mix it with certain pieces of Northrend gear so you properly match the new armor set to the best of your capability.

It's just that if you run around in level 2 armor screaming you're a Kor'kron... who has any cause to believe your character? Or should they just because you said so?

ya pretty much this. You should at least be able to have a uniform that resembles what you would generally see a member of the Kor'kron guard in.
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100 Orc Warrior
I miss when most of these noobs didn't even know what the Kor'Kron were.
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100 Orc Shaman
I miss when most of these noobs didn't even know what the Kor'Kron were.

I can't believe I am agreeing with Keithoo but this a thousand times over. Where were half these cats who harass random people in Org as Kor'Kron before it was "lawl edgy" and "brutal"? I can tell you for a fact they weren't RPing as Kor'Kron before Garrosh was Warchief. MY guess is they were too busy fapping to Dethklok videos.
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100 Orc Warrior
I do miss before the Kor'Kron became the Hated A** holes they are now.... the Kor'Kron were Elite Soldiers assigned to protect the Warchief, a Royal Guard as it were...not they are just an excuse for dumb a**es to bully people in RP and God Mod like Idiots....

I hope once this is all over they go back to being regular idiots and I can get back to being a Royal Guard with a Warchief I can believe in.
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85 Troll Death Knight
I miss when most of these noobs didn't even know what the Kor'Kron were.

The issue I'm seeing is that some who RP them still don't know what they are. They are using it as an excuse for their character to be able to do what ever they want, when ever they want.. and if you step against them.. Your now the enemy and 95% of other Kor Kron that happen across aid RP join in on their side.

Now this is to be expected and understood, Kor Kron working and fighting together.. But when your character gets ganged up on for stopping something that should not have happened in the first place.

Then again I just had a very obvious thought. When 5.3 is over, all of these Kor Kron are going to have to pay for what they RPed so.. Never mind, have fun while the rest of us go ready are executioner's axes.
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100 Orc Shaman
I miss when most of these noobs didn't even know what the Kor'Kron were.

*Hands you your Fedora* Kiethoo, Kor'Kron Hipster Overlord

06/27/2013 01:10 PMPosted by Mokkor
Where were half these cats who harass random people in Org as Kor'Kron before it was "lawl edgy" and "brutal"?

Where were they? Likely just being Orcs. Until 5.3.

People seem to forget there was an huge surge in Kor'Kron numbers just as the rebellion happened. It's plausible to assume that Garrosh went on mass recrtuiment just prior to the events of 5.3, hence why there's a surge in Kor'Kron Role players.

Hell, before 5.3, Kaz wasn't a Kor'Kron. Had no interest in it. But his devotion to the Warsong Clan, the Warsong Offensive and his loyalty to the Warchief changed that when recruitment was 're-opened'.

MY guess is they were too busy fapping to Dethklok videos.

Really? You're obviously not a fan of the Kor'Kron and how they act in game (even if it is perfectly lore-abiding, since they've been increasingly hostile during the Pandaria campaign), but do you really need to resort to...that? Don't like the Kor'Kron, don't play with them. No one can force you to play or partake in their RP. But don't lash out and insult everyone you see just because they weren't Kor'Kron back during Thrall's reign.
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Seems people don't understand. a "Bad Guy" IC. Isn't always a "Bad Guy" OOC. There is trash out there, sure. There's trash everywhere. But seriously some of the !@#$ I am seeing ehre is just laughable, at best.

I do miss before the Kor'Kron became the Hated A** holes they are now.... the Kor'Kron were Elite Soldiers assigned to protect the Warchief, a Royal Guard as it were...not they are just an excuse for dumb a**es to bully people in RP and God Mod like Idiots....

Yes, there is some godmodders and %^-*!@#s. But, they are -everywhere-. Stop taking IC things into OOC hate. Yes, you RPed a Kor'kron during the "Good ol' days." And since you can't live in them days right now doesn't mean you should be pissed at people that are just, going with the bad plot before us.

I can't believe I am agreeing with Keithoo but this a thousand times over. Where were half these cats who harass random people in Org as Kor'Kron before it was "lawl edgy" and "brutal"? I can tell you for a fact they weren't RPing as Kor'Kron before Garrosh was Warchief. MY guess is they were too busy fapping to Dethklok videos.

No words other than: Childish.

I'm not the best RPer, and never have claimed to be good, and never will. But my main here, Carvyre is a rebel ICly. I get into IC conflicts with Loyalist/Kor'kron RPers atleast twice a week, and it is very rare that either side of the RP takes offense to any of it OOC. Hell there's been character death and it hasn't even gone there. RP is done, "Was fun guys thanks for the RP" "Yup, no problem anytime!" And we carry on our marry way.
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100 Orc Warrior
How sad are you guys going to be when Kiethoo dies?
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