Kor'Kron RP at times abused and failed

90 Blood Elf Warrior
I believe roleplayers need to keep their characters tied to the world they live in.

I hate it when people try to break game mechanics in the name of RP...

I agree. Most of it is just folks wanting to be self important. And usually with an inferiority complex.

There's a reason for levels. Figure it out. This is a video game, not IMVU.
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100 Human Paladin
06/28/2013 05:17 PMPosted by Xëro
There's a reason for levels. Figure it out.

Is it to gain access to gameplay abilities and access a broader range of equipment in terms of appearance for cosmetic reasons and statistics for gameplay reasons?
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85 Troll Death Knight
It happened again Keithoo.. I warned you.. *opens the gopher cage*
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100 Blood Elf Priest
06/28/2013 05:24 PMPosted by Liotuse
There's a reason for levels. Figure it out.

Is it to gain access to gameplay abilities and access a broader range of equipment in terms of appearance for cosmetic reasons and statistics for gameplay reasons?

Power level scale.

Mine for one is over 90.
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100 Orc Warrior
It happened again Keithoo.. I warned you.. *opens the gopher cage*

I can't be held accountable for Tharosh and Scrend... Im trying to keep on topic!
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100 Orc Warrior
*hands Kiethoo http://tinyurl.com/pkf4kbh*

Seriously, being a Kor'Kron in this game is much like being a Guard on the Alliance. It's pointless unless the other people are willing to let you have that power.

Also, Rakahu, you owe me a new keyboard, a new screen and therapy for my cats. I have not laughed like that in a long time.
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