Random Gnome RP! (Private Practice)

100 Gnome Priest
*posted on the city board in Stormwind and Ironforge, written first in Gnomish and then translated into Common*

*Attached is all the pertinent contact information*


Need a bone set?
Need multiple bones set?
Need a limb reattach?
Recent recipient of multiple lacerations? concussions? or contusions?

Contact the Private Practice of
Doctor Cail Liam Mahlr'D;

For all your Health Care needs!

Mail all correspondence to:
Dr. Mahlr'D,
Care of the AAMS
((Cash on Delivery))


((Feel free to shoot me a mail IC or OOC, or whisper me anytime in-game! I groove on short, quick, and random encounters so no need to feel like you have to wrap me up in any of your extended RP storylines. =) ))
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/3/2013 1:22 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Side Note and FYoocI:
((I RP Cail as a professionally trained doctor and surgeon...assuming that most "professionally trained" doctors in this era of Azeroth have gained their skills through years of informal training, service in a military or civilian clinic, as well as through obvious trial and error. While he may have a lot of practical knowledge and practical skills, he is not perfect, nor is he The Best. He just simply does what he can, when he can.

I also RP that Cail is constantly conducting his own research, producing his own case studies, constantly delving into Medical Journals of all sorts, and publishing this work on his spare time. Hence the small book if you've ever seen him IC.

Why might this be important to know? Don't look at me! I haven't a clue... Seemed relevant at the time of this post. :P

I'm usually available upon request when I'm on Cail. If you can find me when I'm on an ALT then feel free to contact me :) I like to think I'm pretty easy going.

Have fun and Happy Gaming!))
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/3/2013 1:29 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Case Study: 001538.Amnesia

Patient: Ket, or possibly Catroo. Draenei, Female.

Examination: No apparent fracture, breakage, stiffness in muscles or ligaments at the shoulders or neck, and no painful or soft spots around the cranium. Horns solidly attached. Deep scans through the eyes reflects a slight swelling of the brain, conducive with concussive trauma, but all minimal and non-threatening.

Diagnosis: Acute Amnesia due to concussive event. Given time and treatment, the body will heal itself and memory should return in part if not completely. Note: The event was not witnessed by attending physician, but rather reported by an apparently close friend of the patient, one Khromie Overspark.

Patients' speech is fragment. Eye tracking normal. Attention span short, easily distracted, showing an inability to focus normally. Cognitive skills appear normal. She is able to recognize Khromie, respond to question and other stimulus as evidenced by the presence of a large feline they call Broodin....whose fur was curiously covered with beaded braids.

Treatment: Head was pulled up and twisted to extend the neck in an effort to make sure all vertebrae were in alignment and to possibly reduce some pressure on the neck, shoulders, and head, as well as to increase blood flow in these regions. A perscription was also issued for a tonic brewed of particular herbs and other ingredients which is used to help reduce brain swelling.
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/2/2013 5:54 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Shaman
(( *Halforcen, for the record ^_~ but I'm used to this by now. Also, thank you so much for that, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! I hope to see you around Cail, you're a wonderful RPer and yet another amazing Gnome. We always need more Gnomes!))
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100 Gnome Priest
(( *Halforcen, for the record ^_~ but I'm used to this by now. Also, thank you so much for that, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! I hope to see you around Cail, you're a wonderful RPer and yet another amazing Gnome. We always need more Gnomes!))

((Doh! *RPfail* -.- I knew there was something I was forgetting to ask. I know better than to take your character model for granted :P. Perhaps we can clear that up IC next time we meet :), and thank you for that little session! It was fun :D ))
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100 Gnome Priest
Case Study: 001545.Gunshot & Lacerations

Patient: Vê, no other name given. Human, Male.
Secondary Patient: Wolf, loyal companion of Vê. (pet)

Examination: Patient received in rough shape.
    Multiple pellets of a mid-range calibur, likely buckshot, penetrated only the surface layers of skin. The pattern localized around his right shoulder.
    Several overlapping puncture and claw marks on his right arm and lower extremities.
    Knife wound to the lower abdomen.
    A fractured right ulna.
    Three dislocated fingers of the right hand.
    Slight concussion along with minor lacerations of the scalp.
    Slight confusion.
    Dehydration / Exhaustion.

Diagnosis: Confusion likely side effect of his exhaustion and dehydrations, which is likely suffered from exposure out in the wilderness. Patient was likely the victim of a robbery as evidenced by the knife wound in his abdomen. A moderately severe infection has set in and is beginning to run its course, causing a high fever and possibly a slight delirium.
Patient also suffered several hostile encounters with wildlife, evidence of defensive wounds from at least one wolf mauling (but possibly multiple). These wounds appear to be only a few days old, suggesting he was stabbed first.
Most recently received are the shotgun pellets peppering his right shoulder. This likely occurred roughly the same time as his head wound. His finger dislocations and fractured ulna have only just swollen, also suggesting a recent injury.

Treatment: A potently brewed tonic has been injected into the tissue surrounding the knife wound in order to stop the progression of the infection. A strong dose of medicine has also been introduced via an intravenous drip line. A sterile bag of saline is also being administered intravenously to treat the dehydration brought on by exposure, along with cool compression of the extremities.
The knife wound itself has been cleaned, treated, stitched and bandaged; checked periodically for excess bleeding.
The multiple puncture wounds and claw marks have been cleaned and wrapped. Blood samples taken and analyzed periodically to check for signs of disease contractions from the wildlife. All still negative.
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/2/2013 5:54 PM PDT
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88 Gnome Death Knight
Aeldgyth eyed the long string of credentials at the top of the notice with a gnome's appreciation for needless acronyms -- and a gnome's healthy assumption that most of them were meaningless.

"Huh!" she sniffed, her little nose turning ever-so-slightly upward. "I'm a doctor, too. Just not the kind of doctor that helps people."

Pure false modesty on her part, of course. The world needed anthropologists! Or, well, demianthropologists, to use the human term for it. She'd always thought of herself as a doctor of gnomanities, personally.

Feeling satisfied with herself, Dr. Aeldgyth A. Whistlespark, Gn. D., bustled off, trim and matronly in her white-and-golds as ever.

((I crossed paths with Caileanmor the other night on AAMS business. Tons of fun! Go RP with him.))
Edited by Aeldgyth on 7/2/2013 7:05 PM PDT
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