<Embrace> Group 2 Looking for 2 DPS

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Realm: Cenarion Circle
Guild leader: Sunnan
Raid Leader: Hármony
Battletag: Harm#1269

Raid times: Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30 and Friday 5 to ~ 8 pm PST (server) depending on progression

Needs: 2 DPS (with strong OS heals) (No more Shamans), and 1 full time healer (Prefer Disc Priest, Mistweaver Monk, or Holy Paladin)

Alternate raiders are always welcome. If you can guarantee attendance to at least 2 raids per month, but can't always make every raid but still want to raid, you can be added to the alternate list. Alternates are expected to be as geared as possible, and know the mechanics of encounters.

<Embrace> is the #3 guild in progression on Cenarion Circle Horde side. Group 2 is 10 man casualcore, and we have fun. As the raid leader I understand real life > game, but certain expectations are laid out in the rules for the raid group, including 90% attendance. Progression is important, but fun is also a key factor, therefore you are expected to know your class (gemming/reforging/enchants), and research boss fights and strategies before hand so we can have the fun of killing bosses. Joining the guild and a 4-8 week probationary period is mandatory to join our raid team. If you miss 2 raids without letting me know ahead of time you will be replaced. Loot rules are simple, MS > OS, 1 piece of loot per raid unless no one else can use it. We are currently in progression in ToT, minimum iLvl is 490.

If you have any questions, or would like to interview for the core or alternate positions, please contact Hármony in game at the battletag information above.

Edited by Hármony on 7/5/2013 9:02 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Bump. Still looking.
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