White Rose Festival

7 Night Elf Druid
The Holy Rose Monastery is hosting an all day festival July 6th with food and drink, friendly sparring matches for fun and at night an in-character chat around a few campfires to make alliances and friendships. All guilds are invited to come and are welcome to bring their own festivities to this event each year, it will be held in Elwynn Forest to the east. Suggest turning general chat off since we're still under CRZ, hope to see everyone there.
Edited by Amynralia on 7/1/2013 8:56 AM PDT
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((This sounds awesome, Amynralia, and thanks for doing it! Turning off General in Elwynn is definitely recommended, and a very wise notification on your part, as I imagine the Moon Guard folks CRZing in on a holiday evening may be plentiful. Shaynarah needs to start making some IC connections, so please be sure to throw up reminders in AOOC, and I hope you have an awesome turnout! I'll try to be able to make it.))
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7 Night Elf Druid
((I'll be on my main character Meiyo for the event, she's the one with all the nice dresses and robes lol. As for food I have some banquet tables in the guild vault that I've been saving for this which I'll pass out to each guild so the only requirement for the guilds is to have themselves in a guild raid group for their banquet tables. I figured a lovely forest with nice green grass would be peaceful and friendly. The alliances and friendships thing I hope turns out well, we need to stand together as friends and family. Each guild needs alliances more than ever in these harsh times.))
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100 Night Elf Druid
((Is a non-guilded person allowed to come to this? All I see mentioned is guild this and guild that, guild tables, guild alliances.))
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7 Night Elf Druid
((it's an open event so anyone can come, the location for the event is near Ridgepoint Tower in Elwynn Forest))
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