Looking to buy your... [time & date update]

38 Gnome Priest
[[ UPDATORZ! It's like Raving Raptor Revenge, but with updates instead.

Storyish stuffs below, but for first time readers boom! here you go.

WHAT: Khromie and Suzy are hosting a mini random RP event. Everyone is invited. We're selling books. Hopefully...
WHEN: Sunday July 21 @ 730 server
WHERE: Dwarven district gnome cart between the bank & AH.

ANY PARTING THOUGHTS? Be there or be a rusty sprocket. And we apologize for the late notice. Our schedules have been difficult to manage lately. Silly horses.


[[ Hiya CC, I'm looking to buy all of the books you can possibly send my way (or to Izby). Things like the Romance novels that are junk items (grays).

See Khromie and her bestie Sizy have a wonderful idea to help promote random RP in Stormwind; pop-up stores. Our two little entrepreneurial gnomes will randomly on the weekend set up shop selling some random items or services to anyone who wants to participate in some random RP with us. From people walking past our little set up, to those looking to purchase a new book, or to a certain draenei needing to kidnap another gnome. (Khromie look out.) But I'd also like to offer the books (at least this time, maybe our next popup does rings) we are selling as an actual item for anyone to purchase. I doubt I'll encourage real gold payments for them, but I'm willing to pay real gold for the books themselves if you want to CoD them to Izby, I'll pay a few gold for each. I haven't thought of a real price, but I figure you guys are fair and want to also encourage RP so... yeah.

Anyway send over your lovely books. I'm paying and sometime in the near future, we'll be selling them afterwards.

Lots of sizzle.

Sizy. ]]
Edited by Sizy on 7/20/2013 8:47 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
((For the last three years Conclave has been collecting in game books and texts http://conclaveguild.org/library/archives , we do happen to have some extras/duplicates that I can send your way later today/tonight

Edit: Looks like I need to update that list))
Edited by Genevra on 6/30/2013 1:03 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
((Thank you bunches. I think it could be fun. Also thinking I may try to do it again during banned book week and nanowrimo, but we could discuss that if you want since that's more along your guild mission.))
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100 Human Paladin
((Pia will send books your way. I love this idea.))
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Spriggel ducks for cover behind her mailbox and peeks around to see if Gentyl is still around; then she initiates M.E.L.D. (aka, Mailbox Emergency Lock Down). There's barely room enough for the cats and fish; books are SIMPLY out of the question.

((Marvelous idea from some of the hot idea engines I've had the pleasure & misfortune to run into; you guys have got my RP motor purring along - hmm, maybe that's the cats . . . Anywho . . . now to figure out which of my bookworm alts to dust off . . . .*hums jingle while flipping thru card catalog of dusty alts*))
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100 Gnome Priest
[ Many thanks to those who have already sent me books. I'll take pretty much any unusual grey item you come across. Also, please send as many Imperial Silkworms as you can to Spriggel. She really, really likes them. ]
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34 Gnome Rogue
Nabbi scanned the flyer asking for book donations. She didn't think the Mistress had any, but she ought to check the bank just to be sure.

The short, hand-written note at the bottom of the flyer caught Nabbi's eye.

Spriggel is in desperate need of more Imperial Silkworms for her collection. Please send her as many as you can.

"Woohoo!" Nabbi jumped up and down like a demented gibbon. "Those darn things have been taking over the farm. I'm sure the Mistress will be quite pleased to get rid of a few. Or twenty."

((Edit: Yes, yes, I know Nabbi is supposed to be trussed up in a basement right now. I just didn't feel like posting this on another character. :P ))
Edited by Lrigknab on 7/1/2013 3:48 PM PDT
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38 Gnome Priest
((I want to thank everyone who has sent books to Sizy and Izby so far. I'm trying to respond when I can log in, but my internet has been spotty this past week, but trust, you will get a lovely thank you as soon as I can get to it.

This should be a fun outing. Hopefully, this weekend.))
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100 Gnome Priest
[ Stop ruining the illusion that we're the same person! ]
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100 Human Warrior
((Have you all ever considered using GHI to create some books of your own? I don't know how many other people on CC use it, but I think it's a pretty neat add on.))
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38 Gnome Priest
((Puts on her Khromie mask before speaking in a really bad impersonation that could be mistaken for Chip or Dale or maybe a mutant bunny rabbit jacked up on uppers.

Oh my sprockets the beauticious Sir Oarwind spoke to me! Squee.

I hadn't considered it. Would be great to sell My You're a Tall One: the Sword of Oarwind...

Gears turn... oh I mean Trolls Balls that is brilliant. ))
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38 Gnome Priest
Hiya there my fellow Quillsy Inkspinner enthusiasts. Her two biggest fans, Sizzspring Brightspark (that's me) and my bestist friend in the whole world, Khromie Overspark will be hosting our first ever Popup business venture. The HydroPoweredBookCart. A recent invention of mine thank you. We will be displaying our wares in the Gnome District (that's the little cart with all the gnomes surrounding it in the Dwarven District) around 730ish.

As an added benefit, if you buy a book, we'll toss in a free RocketFuelEnergyDrink (illegally smuggled into Stormwind because it violates the sugar drink size limitation laws). So we hope to see all you reading enthusiasts there.

WHAT: Khromie and Suzy are hosting a mini random RP event. Everyone is invited. We're selling books. Hopefully...
WHEN: Sunday July 21 @ 730 server
WHERE: Dwarven district gnome cart between the bank & AH.

ANY PARTING THOUGHTS? Be there or be a rusty sprocket. And we apologize for the late notice. Our schedules have been difficult to manage lately. Silly horses.))
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Nyuula scanned the flyer that was left on her desk, right on top of a pile of ever aging mail. "It's been a long time since I've even seen my old friend...perhaps it's time to head out of the lab" She mused to herself, well aware of the fact that that was very much a not sane thing to do.
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100 Gnome Priest
Khromie hemmed and hawed as she looked over Sizy's advertisement. Getting out her Oarwind & Friends Funtime Activity Book, she added some stickers of Oarwind's loincloth and Pimperon's disco-stick to the flier. "PERFECTION!" Then, she took Sizy by the hand and the pair of pint-sized medics skipped their merry way to the Blue to haggle for booze.

[ Annnnd I wrote on the wrong toon. I wish you hadn't eaten my brain for soup, Sizy. ]
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38 Gnome Priest
[[ I'm sorry, but I had to cure this Zombification before I ate your brain completely and everyone else's as well. Oh and I hope that my HydroPoweredBookCart doesn't leak or break or... well, anything that would ruin our books.

And Noola, I'm sorry. WoW isn't letting me log back in for some reason. I'm hitting it with my stick, but that doesn't seem to work. ]]
Edited by Sizy on 7/20/2013 8:48 PM PDT
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((Yeah that's ok I heard there were some issues, it happens I'm just hanging out for a bit so if I see you then I do but I will tomorrow!))
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38 Gnome Priest
Sizy rolled the HydroPoweredBookCart out of her workshop and onto the street, attaching the towing harness to Pippo before double checking her stock to make sure she had everything for her first Popup store attempt. Of course it was experimental, but the amazing KickStep and PageTurner worked the first time without too much modification... unless you count that face shredding incident when the PageTurner was attached to the Gnome's face at Steamywind. The only thing that could possibly go wrong is the water tanks exploded and flooded the street. It's not like books aren't waterproof she thought...

I forgot to test that. Maybe putting the water tanks on top of the cart was a bad idea without testing. Oh well, too late now.

((Just a reminder that tonight in a few hours, the cart will be set up. See you randoms there.))
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38 Gnome Priest
((Just wanted to give everyone a quick thank you who turned out. Khromie and I will be looking to run another pop up in the future, because we had lots of fun. Hope you did too. ))
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100 Human Mage
((It was fun, even if I had to hide the whole time ;) ))
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