Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

90 Human Paladin
I'll be making sure Rath is ready to rock and roll for Flex raiding SoO so anyone who is interested in doing it with a pro heroic raider let me know.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Well I'm no pro heroic raider. I haven't raided outside LFR since Dragon Soul with Kye, but I would love to raid again. I'd even be willing to dust off my other 90's, faction change them and bring them over if needed.

My roster of 90's is:

Kyetah, Survival/BM hunter. My main and the one I have the least work to do on as she's already 490 ilevel and she's already on the server and in the guild.

Holy/Ret Paladin. I have a lot of work to do on her, which includes having to relearn how to heal with a pally. Her Profs are Herb/Alchemy
Resto/feral druid. I'd have to refresh my knowledge of healing with her, but I enjoy healing more with a druid than a pally. Her profs are skinning/leather working.

Affliction Warlock. I would have a lot of work to do with her, which includes fixing her rotation. She's mainly been a professions mule (tailor/enchanter).
Blood/Frost DK. This is the girl I would have to do the most work on. She is my latest 90 and like my warlock, she's mainly been used for her professions (miner/Jewelcrafter).

As I already have a DK and a Warlock on the server, I'm more inclined to level them and bring one of my healers over.
51 Blood Elf Monk
I know it was a joke!! Just thought we all needed a laugh.
90 Blood Elf Warlock
I would raid with Vira, but no way am a pro raider. So if you are making that a condition. Guess I am not going to be included.
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
If you do wish to start raiding, then I would love to start up again!

Lineron is a Unholy/Blood, I wouldn't have to study up much on him unless you want me to go blood.

Lineronx (Carinoth), is Shadow/Holy and I have not raided with him since like early Cataclysm. So yeah I will have to study up on him with whatever spec you want me to get into. Also gear him up a bit....

Heresyblam (Daenith), is a warlock. And I will need to level her up, gear her up, and study up on warlocks because I have not raided with her EVER.

So. Yeah. Lots of studying up on classes. Joy.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Oooh that trailer is awesome!
90 Human Paladin
That was merely me saying I know what to do and can lead it well. Flex is going to be a walk in the park and I'll have the experience from normal to help us kill the bosses.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
BTW Rath, how much chance is there of getting in game rp time with you? Rhannah is looking for advice (not training, Rath's a mean master and she tends to argue back) on meditation techniques so that she can help Zak.

Also Kye is thinking of setting up a guest house so that visitors to the Enclave have somewhere to stay.
70 Blood Elf Warlock
That has to be the most depressing post I've ever written.
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
That has to be the most depressing post I've ever written.

And here I am writing this happy thing about Carinoth for once actually feeling emotion's.
*slow clap*

EDIT: All of you also make really long journal posts.
Edited by Lineron on 8/17/2013 11:13 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Not sure why you did that? Is it because you wanted character development? You wanted everyone to feel sorry for Bane and Varus? Just curious, not judging. It's way to sad to be just something you cooked up to make a shock effect. There are people who have lost babies and it is heart wrenching. I do wish you would reconsider. It does not have to be that way.
70 Blood Elf Warlock
I cooked it up because I wanted to? Because it's something I've yet to personally RP. And unlike some people, I don't make it a habit. I'm not going to change my RP because it is a heart wrenching thing, the RP itself has already happened and I'm not going to retcon it.

Maybe Zari will see the err of her ways and will put more faith towards becoming a better person.

Maybe she'll damn the Light for not helping her in her hour of need and will consider it a cruel thing because it may well have taken her child because of the cruel things she's done to other people in the past.

It's not spur of the moment, I've had this planned since before Zari even conceived. If people want to feel sad for them, I'm pleased. If they don't care, I'm fine with that, too. Since I don't make it a habit of killing babies and I feel that, as far as the RP that has gone on, will happen, and the internal struggle my own character is facing (if you think she's going to just say 'Well, that sucked, let's make more!' you're dead wrong), I do not believe that anyone has lost a child would feel offended by how I portray it.

Just as I hope I have not offended anyone with PTSD, anyone who has gone through severe emotional trauma, anyone with depression, anyone with social anxiety, or any other disorder, personal problem, or otherwise that I have also portrayed in RP. Yes, I do know the loss of a child is a heavy thing, so are a lot of other !@#$storms I put my characters through.

But I do research everything I do because I am also very aware of such things. :3 Because I care, because I like realistic RP and sometimes %^-* just happens.
61 Blood Elf Paladin
As far as Flex raiding goes, I'll probably go on Bane. I'm a bit spent on monk healing by this point (and with a fractured will to even try to raid heal).

I'd say we'd either be going Friday nights or Saturday afternoons/nights, simply based on the times that people seem to be most active and can be together.

I need something happy to post about @.@ And the next happy thing isn't planned for another two or three weeks. And even then, it'll be mortifying and happy. xD
25 Blood Elf Monk
So. We all know about Cirque. They have nothing to do with the RSF ICly. Not allies, not even the same goals or outlooks for all we know. No one knows it exists. They're an entirely different group, and even though some of us have characters in both, please treat them separately.

Do not post in the RSF's IC thread unless it's on a character from the RSF.

The rare exceptions will only be from characters who have a very heavy influence on the guild RP at the time, and only for the sake of letting others see something else going on. Even then, it won't be every single time because they are not in the RSF.

Even if we, as people are. They, as characters, are not. And the IC threads are for the characters.
90 Blood Elf Warlock
My apologies to you all. I will ask them not to post in the Journal.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Hey all! Nice posts in the journal! :D

Just letting you know I will probably be MIA until Friday, going on another mini vacation ;)
90 Blood Elf Rogue
My apologies to the Rising Sun Fellowship and it's members. I in no way meant any harm or such to the guild. It shall not happen again, of this you can be sure.

And I apologize to Cirque for causing the guild any trouble. I did this on my own and with no malice intended.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Just letting you know I will probably be MIA until Friday, going on another mini vacation ;)

Have fun Fyn.

Cy, I was going to have Leon's date with Jen be Friday night and ICly, it would have been after the confrontation with Micah. However, as Fyn's likely to be away until Friday, I'll have to push everything back a few days. I was planning to keep Jen out of the story line, she'd probably want to kill Micah herself and I want that task to go to Rian.

Of course, if you want Jen to be involved, then go ahead. I don't think it would be out of character for Jen to find Rhannah and demand to know where Leon is. Rhannah might try to avoid having to give an answer, but she would eventually talk. She's in Thunder Bluff ICly.

Lastly, Shadow, I hope I'm not out of line referring to Leon in Rhannah's journals, even though the character Restorer is in Cirque. He is Rhannah's brother and they are very close, so it feels natural for her to mention him or receive letters from him.

Anyway, I have work today so I won't be home until around 10pm server at the earliest.
25 Blood Elf Monk
Hm? You can refer to anyone you want, as long as it's through an RSF member's point of view. :P

It's not so much about harm, it just becomes... clutter, shall we say. The threads are for RSF, not for Cirque or any other guild. That's all.

85 Night Elf Druid
Hai everyone how is you guys, and gals doing today:3
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