Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

90 Blood Elf Monk
Hello ladies and gentlemen.

If you're interested, hop in game Horde-side on CC and tag us, or leave a note here!
Join RisingSunOOC to chat with us as well as HordeOOC to chat with the Horde RP'ers on CC

Guild site: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=458445&TabID=3946160

Journal thread #1: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4365750120?page=1
Journal thread #2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6194789426?page=1
Journal thread #3: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6934725701?page=1
Journal thread #4: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8569599757?page=1

OOC/Signup #1: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4363778667?page=1
OOC/Signup #2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/5912661507?page=1
OOC/Signup #3: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6794982478?page=1
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see a character as having a f*ck buddy as being that important on that character's priority lists. Not a one of my own are defined, as a person, by who they're with, and I'm kind of sad to see that anyone should have to feel left out because they don't have someone that their character is 'with'.

Realistically, the 'back seat' is where people fall when their character, as themselves, has nothing to contribute to what is going on. I think that instead of worrying about talking to someone who, I would assume you removed for a good reason, you should consider a bit of personal character development and think of ways to get more involved.

^^ Quoting for posterity.

Actually, that's why I removed him from my friends list. All he wanted was a f** buddy and there was little room for character development. That's not what I want for Rhannah. It's kind of hard to explain, but at the moment, it really does feel like she's taking a back seat role.

The problem with her is two-fold. Part is because of her character. She's shy, she finds it hard to make friends, she's recovering from a rather nasty break up and horrid whispering campaign that drove her from Silvermoon. There are reasons why she's placed herself on the back seat, but now, she's running the risk of getting stuck there.

I want to break her out of that, Show her that she does have something to contribute and rebuild her shattered confidence, but I'm finding it hard to come up with a scenario where she can do that on her own. At the moment she has no reason to see herself as someone of value, because the only person who sees her as that is her brother, and she thinks he's biased in that regard because he's family.

The rest of the problem with Rhannah comes from my not always being able to be around when everyone else is. So I am often playing on my own in a guild where it looks, at least to someone on the fringes, like everyone in the guild has a partner. I can be happy with Rhannah not having a romantic partner. But she does need a friend and all she has at the moment is a group of acquaintances and colleagues.

(Before anyone says it, I know I could do more to get involved, but like Rhannah, I struggle with shyness, so it can be difficult for me as well.)
90 Blood Elf Priest

100 Blood Elf Death Knight


*hides in closet holding a frying pan as a weapon*
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Though it is possible to develop a character while playing solo, it kind of defeats the purpose of rp if you are always alone. I am not saying everyone should hook up with a romantic partner! There are all kinds of pairings that work well to develop character. You do have to be careful though to not limit yourself to one person. The rp in the guild should be with others in a group, you need to find others to travel with you for leveling, it makes it so much more satisfying to have three to five people in a ready made dungeon group than it is to pug it.

I know how easy it is to develop a relationship with a rp partner to the point you are excluding everyone else, even if that is not your intention. You find someone who is fun and bounces off your ideas and you hate to even attempt to rp with anyone else because you are afraid that other person will not be as good of a rper. I know, I have been there and I have broken myself out of that mold.

Once I reached out to others and developed multiple pairings with different people it enriched my rp by a LONG ways. I learned that different people can bring a spark of creativity you had never dreamed of before. That does not mean I neglect my other rp friends, in fact I try to bring some of my rp friends together and do storylines that are exciting and fulfilling.

This to me is what rp is all about, bringing people together and sharing the creativity and fun. This guild has given me some really remarkable memories and I am glad the idea has lasted so long.
61 Blood Elf Death Knight
Hey guys thought I might give you all a heads up, I'm probably going to be cutting off my WoW subscription for a bit, I don't really have time to come on anymore, so I'm just losing money on it. And also, when I can do have the ability to come on, I just don't feel like doing it. This guild isn't the same in terms of RP as it used to be to me, and I just.. don't really feel like coming on anymore.

Sorry if I've insulted you in any way with that, its in no way targeted at anybody, more at the fact that we just don't RP as much anymore.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
If you haven't cancelled your subscription yet, I'd love to have the chance to rp with you. I can be online in a couple of hours if you want to talk.
61 Blood Elf Death Knight
Its not off yet, I'm going to probably find a way to wrap up all my loose RP ends, if I have an opportunity to. After I do finish it all up with you guys, I'll write up a journal story to get rid of Krei's brother, get a reason for Krei to be gone as long as I don't feel like coming back.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
There are still a few of us hanging on Kreindis. We are desparately trying to breath some life into the in game rp. I even rolled a new character to toss into the guild to give Rhannah some company, though he will have to catch her in level.

We need to work on getting more in game rp. I know a lot of you miss it as I do. Summer is really slow every year. It gets hard to keep focused on anything when no one is online to rp with. So please do not desert us.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
He's got time to catch up. I'm doing Loremaster as I level with Rhannah, so I turn her experience off regularly to allow her to complete each zone in the bracket. I'll be turning it off again at 40, then at each tenth level after that.

If we could arrange a time to all be online together (hard I know with my being 17 hours ahead of server) I'd love to rp. I'll be online in about an hour if anyone's around.
Edited by Rhannah on 7/7/2013 4:01 PM PDT
51 Blood Elf Monk
I posted on the Journal. We need more people to post!
50 Blood Elf Warlock
I Posted!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Rhannah, if you see me online, give me a send. I like to RP. And not just the romantic stuff, but I love the friendly kind of RP, or a cup a tea and scone kind of deal too.

Jahana has a good handle on it. She taught me all I know about RPing. More about that later.

So give me a ring, if I'm available, I'ld love to RP with you. It is nice to chat with new people, and I found it interesting Saturday evening. You wouldn't know it from the way I act that I'm a shy person also, painfully so. I had to literally force myself to go out and meet people. Scarey at first, but eventually I made friends and started having a social life.

Same here, reach out, we really don't bite....okay some do, but you learn real quick who they are and stay away from them. By and large we are a pretty friendly bunch of characters. Emphasis on the characters. Check us out, Jahana and her multitude of alts, myself and a handful of alts, or whoever.

Sometimes the first step is yours to take. Sometimes others will reach out to you. You just need to be open to the possibilities.

Jahana may be your best bet for a good friend, simply being on so darn late (does the woman ever sleep??) and you being where you are, you might be able to strike up a conversation. Just watch out for that darn goblin of hers (Krazzy, or something like that.) She's good people and loves to RP.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Oooh some nice new posts!

I will be posting soon, just suffering a bit from writers block. Nothing a glass of wine and some good music shouldn't cure...

Rhannah I am new to ingame rp(really rusty with forum though I've done that for years) and am really not confident in my abilities. So when you want to rp and I'm online just send me a message. Same goes for any of you. I need the practice!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Ah, poop! Something I failed to mention. There are guild meetings scheduled on the calendar, and while it is sometimes for actual guild business, it is a great way to meet some of the other characters involved in the Fellowship, and also a possible way to RP with those people you may not have met.

As you can see I have a tendency to forget poop like this. So if the time is near for the guild meeting, drop a line in the OOC channel to remind me. This old man thanks you in advance.
51 Blood Elf Monk
Posted for you all to enjoy a bit of Rian's past.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Alright. Seems I need to make some statements here.

@Krei: As you can see many people will be sad to see you go. Now I can't say that I understand the reasoning behind saying the Fellowship isn't the same as what you remember it as, but that's also part of what happens in RP. Things move forward and change and yes perhaps we don't like those changes OOCly but its better to bring up those reasons with the people in charge privately rather than publicly saying "The Fellowship is worse off imo" which is how such statements sound.

Getting involved with the guild is rather easy as the Fellowship is active and there are ways to hear about whats happening and find those who can help direct your character to the Fellowship ICly. Beyond that its a matter of personal motivation to get involved. I remember speaking to you a month or two ago about getting involved when you logged in when a lot of us were on and to be blunt it sounded like you were 1) Not really interested and 2) More interested in small scale 1 on 1 RP.

Now I'll transition into the other thing I'd like to bring up. 1 on 1 RP.

Its great. Until things like what has happened, in my opinion, to Krei happen. When your RP partner takes a hiatus or disappears unexpectedly and you have no idea what to do with your character. This is easily solved by getting -involved- something a lot of people are failing to do in my eyes.

This isn't an attack on anyone this is me, as the guildmaster, sharing my opinion on what I am seeing. I've spent quite a lot of time trying to work out this Guild arc and how it'll progress and I'd like to see people showing initiative in getting involved. For instance in the search for Elysium I took a backseat role because I wanted to see who would step forward and offer possible locations.

While this might be my overall theme for the guild at the present time this is all of our RP and to see a lot of people breaking off (or attempting to) into small 1 on 1 RP while the main RP arc is going on is rather depressing when you spend that kind of time trying to make it engaging and interesting enough to where people can get involved.

One of the many issues that are present is that people are requiring, in my opinion, hand holding through this. Why that is I have no idea but suffice it to say hand-holding shouldn't be necessary. Our characters have personalities and ways of dealing with things as well as certain skill sets that should immediately pop out where they can fit in on a story or RP. This means that we should already have an idea of where they fit.

I asked several weeks ago for people to volunteer to be involved in a rather manipulative RP where Darius uses his resources and agents to push buttons and play members against each other. So far I have only gotten 1 person to do this, and that one person is because it was an intended RP that I've been trying to do but haven't had a means to do in a while. Now this isn't a bad thing, but when you are looking to develop your character or move them out of the "third wheel" mentality as Rhannah as mentioned it makes me scratch my head and say "Alright so what are you actually looking for here?"

If its a relationship RP, or solely 1 on 1 RP then that is totally acceptable. But as a guild I cannot hand-hold people into 1 on 1/Relationship RP nor will I actively seek out this kind of RP. I'm not a fan of forced and controlled RP like that. I prefer making characters that can outlast any one RP and that can evolve without my constant attentions.

Again I am not attacking anyone or how they RP I merely pointing out what I am seeing and what I am hearing as the third party observer. If I got it wrong then -prove- it to me not with words but with actions.

Kel is trying to lead the hunt for Elysium. The more people involved the better because when she hits Uldum the arc will again move forward.

There are plenty of other, smaller arcs that I want to do while the Elysium hunt is occurring. Ang and I are even discussing/working on creating a bit of a tavern style RP that is "out of time" in a sense where the Fellowship can gather for fun and frivolity without time constraints and in ways that allow everyone to actively participate when the mood strikes them and we can all engage in that RP. Again. My goal and what I am working towards is pushing the entire guild into stories.

The guild story is a huge collection of threads all woven together.

Personal character stories, inter-personal character stories. Multi-personal character stories. etc.

They all weave together WHILE the guild story is moving forward. Its not 1 story or the other.

That's all I have to say on the subject for now. If you want to speak to me add me on battletag and/or post here with a time/day that works well for you and I can make sure to be on to speak to you.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Most days I can be online from about 5pm server time until way into the small hours of the morning. The only times I'm regularly unavailable are Monday and Thursday nights (again, server time). Like Jahana and Cyaer, I have a stable of alts (between 20-30 at last count) and have Jahana on battle tag so I can be contacted whenever I'm online.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Rath, can I make a suggestion please? I know you have real life stuff going on and its hard for you to find time. I have been patient, I have involved other people in rp, and not all romance either. But if you want us to do anything with the guild rp arc, you need to give us some feed back or hints to some kind of clue where we can look and what we might find. Even if it is just a post in the Journal for Dalen, Ratheron or any of your characters, and Shadow yours too. Just give us something to chew on!! All I am asking...just a few crumbs now and again for a trail to follow. This blindly seeking something with no idea of whether it is working or not is very boring.

In the meantime we will continue with personal stories because it is all we have to go on.
70 Blood Elf Warlock
I'm glad so many people have stepped up and volunteered for RP.

And Jana, half of the problem is that you guys are giving us very little reason to push the guild RP as hard as we have been. It's very... Game Devy over here. "Too fast! Too slow! Too much is happening! I don't understand it! This isn't fun!". Very little we've been trying to do has been met with any level of enthusiasm and, honestly, it's starting to grate on some nerves.

As Rath said, very few people volunteer. Some of the RPs we have been suggesting get "No" in response. So if you people would like to bring your stories into the guild fold instead of one on one, if you guys would like to suggest or help out, that would be appreciated. Right now, we're still kind of trying to piece things together at a more cautious pace.

Also. As Cy said, the meets are a great time to get together to RP. That is the point of the Friday night meetings. For people who can't make the Saturday times to get together and have some RP. There's never going to be a scheduled thing. There's never going to be a 'this must be important to the guild' thing. Because, ICly, it makes no sense to have 2 meetings, back to back in terms of days, twice a week.

The Friday night thing is meant to be a casual group RP gathering. Time set up, in the guild, specifically for RP. For fun. Please, take it as such and enjoy it.
Edited by Bane on 7/8/2013 4:28 PM PDT
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