Did ye e'er want to be a...(A, RP Guild)

97 Worgen Death Knight
((Ale-soaked leaves of parchment can be found hanging in Stormwind, Ironforge and Darnassus. The untidy scrawl is somewhat hard to make out...))

Have you ever longed for a career on the High Seas? Captain Jackson Brassbuckle of the Wobbly Compass invites you to join his merry crew today! No prior experience needed, just a willing heart and all your fingers, please.

Need a large shipment transferred from one hemisphere to the other? Or do you need a comfortable escort to faraway lands? The Wobbly Compass and her crew is at your humble service. We've plenty of room for a ton and a half dry cargo, and room for a dozen passengers!

Price on negotiation. All contracts are viewed as mutable unless signed and stamped on paper, with a witness. Travel at your own risk. The Wobbly Compass crew cannot be held liable for any accidental injuries, deaths or loss of property.

Just watch that wee one. She's nippy, she is.

Captain can be found aboard the Wobbly Compass, Stormwind Harbor (Third galleon on the LEFT, folks. LEFT.), Stormwind, Elwynn.
If he's not there, poke around the taverns, you'll find him.

((OOC bit:

Wobbly Compass Crew invites YOU (or your alt/s) to join! Whether you're as fresh as a newborn babe or a seasoned hand at RP, you couldn't find a sillier bunch of hodge-podge would-be pirates around. Come get to know us, maybe even employ us! And if you need a helping hand getting into the RP world, we'll gladly lend a hand. Or hook. Or whatever.

Also, I'd like to formally reach out to the other RP guilds of BOTH factions. As a guild focused on being Privateers, I'd like to officially offer ourselves and services to you in any way we can, within our sphere.
I'd love to make strong alliances with any guilds who might benefit from a partnership with sailors.

PM me any time, or send me a letter in-game.

WCC is accepting ALL classes, specs and races. We are particularly interested in having an IC Shaman aboard, as well as a Mage (pref. Arcane). I only ask that players consider how their characters would handle being aboard a ship, and interacting with other crew members.
QED, if your character gets motion sickness, this is not the guild you want to stick them in.

Also, if you let the gnolls out of the brig, you're cleaning up after them. *eyeballs Half Pint*


Fin. And Thank you!))
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100 Worgen Rogue
Jonathan peered at the parchment, chuckling at the surfacing memories of his own brief time spent as part of just such a crew, small though it was. Maybe he'd keep an eye on them. He had his obligations where he was, but sailors did always tend to be interesting people, in one fashion or another.

((Fun concept, and this "wee one" you mention has earned my curiosity. Best of luck to ya!))
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97 Worgen Death Knight
((Thank you!
I woke up with barnacles in me pants and half th' brig aflame. Tha's how ye know ye landed yerself a true Half Pint! *blames Cuifrann for everything*))
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100 Human Warrior
In his third straight hour of paperwork, but still going strong, Orwyn came to a slightly damp and aromatic flyer in his inbox. Noticing that several letters beneath it were now also slightly damp and aromatic, he frowned - until he saw they were addressed to "Oarwind." Perking up, he muttered something vaguely sympathetic about that being a shame, and tossed them into the trash.

Returning his attention to the flyer, he quickly scanned it for relevant information. "Hmm...shipping...Stormwind Harbor...Wobbly Compass...captain to be found in the taverns..."

He held the flyer at arm's length for a moment and observed, "the compass would probably be quite a bit less wobbly if the captain spent less time in the taverns."

It had been a long afternoon.

Orwyn wrote on the flyer "Forward to attention of harbor customs inspector." He then looked around until he found one of the form letters denying that he, or the Stormwind Watch, had any connection or relationship with the fictional "Oarwind" character, which he used to wrap up the flyer before placing it in his outbox.

((Sounds like a fun guild idea! I hope it's a success!))
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97 Worgen Death Knight
Jack swung his legs up over the railing of his ship, landing on the deck with little grace. He picked himself up, brushed himself off and looked up... into the surly mug of a blue jacket.
Well, fel.
"What can I do ye fer lad? Need summat hauled?"
The blue jacket scowled, drawing some papers from his jacket pocket. He showed them to Jackson, whose eyebrows immediately disappeared into his hair. Inspections?!
"Oi, 'ere now! I've arready 'ad me ship inspected! Wot's th' meanin' o' this?!"
"Orders. Now, if you don't mind, step aside."
With a snort of irritation, Jack sullied off to his quarters. He hoped the false door in the hold would throw the blue jacket for a twist.
...thank the Light the gnolls were asleep.
Jack looked over the papers again, noting names and seals.
"Oh, this calls fer some clever backtrackin', this does. Someone's gonna have a fine mess of complaints on 'is desk when I'm through wit' 'im..."
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97 Worgen Death Knight
((I hate posting after myself...
Wobbly Compass Crew will be docked in Booty Bay, or perhaps Ratchet if we get adventurous, every weekend henceforth. This gives us the opportunity to get out of Stormwind and around the world, amid CRZ zones.
Also, it is my pleasure to annouce that the Black twins, Cercius and Cyburn, will be manning their own ship under the Compass banner! Congratulations Captain Cercius Black, and First Mate Cyburn Black!
Guess that makes me Admiral Jackson Brassbuckle. Call me Cap'n anyways.

Also, for those looking to employ our services, feel free to post here, on our guild site at wobblycompass.guildlaunch.com or /join Compass to get in touch with the crew ICly. A Minor Glyph of Communication may be found in the bottom left (LEFT damn you!) corner of the Compass Flyers hung about the Alliance Cities.

Also, TLAPD (Talk Like A Pirate Day), the WCC will be IN CHARACTER all day long for your pleasure and amusements. We'll probably be cruising the taverns the world over, sharing our grog and singing loud chanties all day. We welcome you to join us for silly fun and RPing!

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for being so generous and tolerating. To my crew, you lovely people you, thank you for all that you do! You keep me laughing, really. To the rest of you, thank you for being so open and welcoming, as always. Your suggestions and critique are greatly appreciated!

And Orwyn, thanks for not arresting us the other night. You're a good chap.))
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72 Gnome Warlock
((Orwyn's all air and no bite *ducks*; it's Chambliss that you have to watch out for. Watch Brutality!

There you don't have to post after yourself, all because I love me pirates. Yohobump!))
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97 Worgen Death Knight
(( Adding some information:

We have a distinct OVERABUNDANCE of Rogues now, so I am going to limit the number of Rogues coming into the guild. I would love love LOVE to get my paws on some Priests, Shamans, Hunters, Warriors and Druids.
Also, under that same "Selective" header, I ask that anyone wishing to join be over the age of 16, at least and be a mature player. Guild chat can and will get crazy, and I'm not a rigid hound about what's discussed. If you can't handle it, stay out of the guild. I expect all IC interactions to remain plausible and well handled at all times. I will not tolerate griefing, power-playing, Mary Sue's or Godmodding. I am the last person you want on your case about that, believe me.

And, lastly, I'd like to thank everyone again for being the ever welcoming community I have come to know and respect.
Thank you.))
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100 Human Warrior
((Orwyn can take some of those rogues off of your hands.

Permanently. ;)
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97 Worgen Death Knight
(( Lol, I wish I could magically swap their class in the dead of night. Go to sleep as a Rogue, wake up as a Hunter! Or a Mage! Or a Shaman!))
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90 Night Elf Warrior
((You should send a press-gang through the various ports and recruit people *nods sagely*))
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97 Worgen Death Knight
((There's an idea. I shudder to think of what would happen if the Gnomes all rebelled at once though. If they don't explode each other into oblivion first!))
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