A Hidden Heart (closed RP)

90 Troll Hunter
Yoresh took a deep, calming breath when he felt the warmth of her tears against his chest and shifted his arms to enfold her as completely as he could in firm, warm safety. He kissed the top of her head.

"Hush, love, it's alright," he murmured against her hair. "It's alright." He smiled tenderly and turned his head to touch his cheek to her hair, his lips close to her ear. "You've been a good parent to a young adult who I suspect really doesn't have much use for either of us anymore and you know she can't be found when she doesn't want to be." He began gently rocking her a little; it had worked on Lanth once upon a time, but then Brae wasn't a child. He tried it anyway. "And you, a terrible mate? Never. Have you lost your mind?"

He moved one hand up beneath her hair to lightly scratch his nails over the back of her neck. He hoped it would remind her of late nights beneath warm blankets and comfort her further.

"You have done no wrong by me," he murmured and pressed his lips to her temple.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
The tears dried up at the soothing and she just tucked her head against his chest. The awful sense of alone that normally dogged her steps started to fade, like it always had when he was nearby. A hint of gold caught her eye as she squirmed closer. Well, maybe his presence wasn't the only place the feeling faded, even a bit. Carefully, she shifted enough to extricate the tabard from beneath her. Small streaks of dust and grime marred the white surface.

"Bah. Ah well, not the first time it'll need some grime washed out of it." She didn't have a response for anything he'd said before. Brae didn't figure that he needed one, really. Explaining the AAMS- and the choice to live...between, she supposed, was going to be interesting. Just as interesting would be explaining there was a whole group of people who'd found their way to that neutral place of 'between'- working with, but maybe not fully a part of either faction anymore- in the hopes that one day there wouldn't need to be a 'between' at all. At least the 'between' was true for her, anyway. She'd never really fit anywhere since her return to Silvermoon eighty some-odd years prior. She'd not really fit anywhere, so the AAMS had seemed perfect.
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90 Troll Hunter
Yoresh had loosened his arms around her so she could move as she needed to, keeping one around her lower waist and settling his other hand on her lap. "Hasanah had mentioned something about an office in booty bay," he said, indicating the tabard by only lifting his thumb. "What is it you've been doing?"

He could tell she needed a change in subject and his curiosity about what she had been doing all this time finally got the better of him. That and he'd just been craving the sound of her voice and the warmth of her body for so long he wanted to hear more of it and enjoy holding her. He only hoped whatever she had been doing was something she'd wanted to do.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
She smiled slightly. "She even got you into Booty Bay, did she? Will wonders never cease." Brae poked him teasingly. "But our main office is in Booty Bay, yes. The Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service." She grinned. "Turns out translators really fluent in things like Zandali are in fairly short supply. So I translate, mostly. Sometimes I need to make a courier run or two. it keeps life a little more interesting." Her smile broadened a bit and she smoothed out the tabard a bit. The delicate bones of her right hand didn't seem quite as straight as they used to be, particularly noticeable in the pinky. "It certainly keeps a roof over my head and food on the table. I like it, actually. More than I thought I would."

She poked him again with another little smile. "But you didn't come all this way just to talk about how I'm paying my bills. Of course, I've never really done much of this whole 'reunion' thing before, so I've not an inkling in the world of how it should go..."
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