Looking for PvP Guild/friends (H)

90 Undead Death Knight
Alright so a little bit of information about me:

I've been playing this game around Vanilla/TBC as Kilajznoroth (Enh Shaman) and left before WOTLK until recently (came back 2 months ago). I leveled a shaman to 55 and made this DK because I wanted to try one.

I'm looking for a PvP guild or at least PvP friends so I can do BGs or Arenas with. I think I'm good in PvP but I've always been undergeared in the past so I wasn't really successful in Arenas.

I don't talk a lot I mostly keep to myself so in /g chat I'm quiet. I play around 10:00pm to 2:00am Server Time (meaning 1:00am to 5:00am Local Time, just got back from work at that time).
Edited by Veranolth on 7/10/2013 3:38 AM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
I totally misread the title as "Looking for PvP Girlfriends"... >.<

/Goes back and rummages in his Gigantique sack for a pair of spectacles
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90 Undead Death Knight
Well thanks for the free bump I guess?
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