ICA=ICC, Consent. Etc.


100 Blood Elf Paladin
This...I've been preaching this for a very, very long while. It's nice to hear another take on the whole RP needs trust in order to work. Bravo. I, too, would like to request a sticky.

If you want to take a gander at some of my thoughts on this, feel free to take a look. It's a bit shorter, but has the same general message:


Also, I know it's mostly irrelevant to the post as a whole, but I wanted to answer your question.

Trust is important (and we have consent and retcon if trust is broken). Fair due is important. There are lots of important things

He essentially exposed himself to someone when that someone's significant other was pretty much right next to him. What do you think is going to happen?

Well, obviously he wanted someone to call out "Wow, what a Dick."

My significant other links me wow related rule 34 posts. According to r34, trolls are gifted in that area. I oocly made a joke about it.
Edited by Zandrae on 8/5/2013 7:22 PM PDT
70 Human Paladin
Come on guys, this needs more sticky votes!

This is certainly deserving of joining the other guides at the top of the page and I would like to see it make it before I leave. Remember to "Like" it as well as vote sticky.
100 Night Elf Druid
Good read and very well wrote
yep deserves a like and a sticky request
100 Blood Elf Hunter
I've already put in a sticky request. Anyone know if we can request a thread be stickied more than once?
100 Blood Elf Paladin
07/16/2013 12:34 AMPosted by Istella
before I leave

Where are you going?
68 Blood Elf Paladin
before I leave

^^^ NO!!!!
70 Human Paladin
before I leave

Where are you going?
Eh. I've been lukewarm on WoW for a long while now.

RP and the few people I know who haven't already quit the game have been the only things keeping me going on it. The micro-transactions datamined from the PTR were sort of the nail in the coffin. Plus I'm moving out of the country in a few months and getting married in January. A lot of stuff is changing and it just seems like a good time to move on. My subscription runs out Aug. 4.

Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread. Make sure to vote sticky!
Edited by Istella on 7/17/2013 3:27 PM PDT
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Microtransactions aren't the end of the world... of warcraft.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Bump because this needs to be reviewed by many RP'ers.
25 Blood Elf Monk
Sticky requested! Amazingly well done, Zandrae!
77 Tauren Druid
The concept of ICA=ICC is a good one. However most of the rpers I have run into on whatever server only want their character to come out on top. The do not want to lose. Everything from a fight to an argument. Sometimes it is pride, it prevents character growth and makes your characters one dimensional.

It is important to realize what you have come up with as a character is your concept, it does not have to be a carbon copy of someone elses. You can admire another player, even make a friend or an enemy. However you wish to act out the scene. But you MUST remember to respect other players choice of how they want their character to act.

You have a right to back off of a rp that makes you uncomfortable. You have a right to say no to advances of any kind. In the case of a scene where another character is trying to bully yours or do nasty things, OOC communication is important.

If a character persists in continuing even after you have said no, you have a right to report them if you wish. But that is in an extreme case.

There are other ways of doing things, communication is vital. If someone wants to rp a fight for example. You can either set up an agreed upon scene where one of you loses. Or you can use /roll 10 to give a hit or miss chance of an attack. But using multiple characters to harass and gang attack a single character has to be an agreed upon action. Forcing it onto another player who does not agree is not fair. Some may even agree to this behavior. But again, it is your choice if you want to continue this. If you do not agree on a course of action, then walk away.
Edited by Ginik on 8/5/2013 11:37 AM PDT
90 Blood Elf Priest
/Request for sticky
100 Human Warrior
08/05/2013 11:35 AMPosted by Ginik
The concept of ICA=ICC is a good one. However most of the rpers I have run into on whatever server only want their character to come out on top. The do not want to lose. Everything from a fight to an argument. Sometimes it is pride, it prevents character growth and makes your characters one dimensional.

One of the biggest problems I see in people is playing to win. In my opinion, winning does not always mean well for you or your character, or for the RP itself- losing can create actual storyline development, and open up further avenues where to go from there. Losing isn't bad. It should never be seen as such. I've just seen people get so stuck up onto the "my character is superior!" attitude, they don't see what could lead to actual character development and further enforce ICA = ICC. I completely agree with your statement. And I mean this from an OOC perspective. Not in the way of "well my character would never want to lose!" bit, I mean as the controller and RPer, having your character lose despite their best efforts, or otherwise.

I also continue to wholeheartedly support every bit Zan is trying to state. More should read this and take notes on such and implement it into their future RPing selves.
Edited by Agalladorn on 8/11/2013 9:21 PM PDT
100 Night Elf Druid
08/05/2013 11:35 AMPosted by Ginik
The concept of ICA=ICC is a good one. However most of the rpers I have run into on whatever server only want their character to come out on top.

This reminds me of a recent experience I had, and makes me realize why things went the way they did.

This -- "this" being people always wanting to be on top -- is so incredibly common, that people assume that is how everyone plays.

A stranger whispered me OOCly asked me if he could attack my character (gave the reason and everything) and asked if I wanted to do /rolls or something. I just said I wanted to play things out, and base my reactions on the realistic limits of my character. Long story short, the fight ended up going BADLY for my character. So badly that the guy warned me he was gonna try to kill my character soon if things kept going the way they did. We pretty much had to discuss a way to get her out of it, which, realistically, wouldn't have worked. My character would have died if we didn't tweak the outcome.

What the stranger probably didn't realize when attacking me, was that I wouldn't go out of my way to make sure my character would end up on top, so he made his attacks more powerful/vicious simply because he thought he'd get the same reaction.

Anyways, just found that interesting. We're all just... used to everyone giving it their all to "win."
70 Human Mage
I've honestly never really understood how this even manages to be an issue. I can accept it if someone doesn't want to use virtual dice to dictate their RP, even if I feel like it makes things more interesting. What I don't understand is why it's so hard for some people to wrap their head around Brooding Death Knight reels his arm back as he readies a mighty blow, before launching his fist towards Holier-Than-Thou Paladin's face, being acceptable, where Brooding Death Knight rails his sword through Holier-Than-Thou Paladin's gut, eviscerating his entrails as he smirked with pleasure, takes control away from the Paladin in question, and completely denies them the ability to decide what their character would do if Death Knight were swinging a sword at them.

It all just boggles my mind. Sure, what I'm suggesting as the 'right' thing to do is reminiscent of Jimmy and Bobby on the playground arguing over whether or not their imaginary finger bullets killed one another in their game of Cops and Robbers, but at least it gives them the option to decide for themselves whether or not their character was competent enough to dodge a painful blow, or if they were struck and damaged by it.
Edited by Rykér on 9/4/2013 12:36 AM PDT
100 Human Warrior
100 Draenei Death Knight
Requested a sticky, very well written and I completely agree with all of it.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
09/04/2013 12:32 AMPosted by Rykér
I've honestly never really understood how this even manages to be an issue.

Because common sense is so rare it might as well be a superpower.
Yes it is an issue, because some people have no understanding of how rp even works. They assume you get to be this bad ash person who does whatever the heck they want, with no consequences. The game has taught these people that there are no repercussions for being a jerk. You are a name you made up in a playground where no one knows who you really are.

It is very sad, I agree. But until we can force people to behave like sensible adults, they will continue to act like spoiled kids, which by the way most of them are just kids.
100 Human Monk
Amazing and I wish the Mary Sue's and Idiots abound would read this, though it would probably sail right over their heads. Sticky for awesomeness.
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