ICA=ICC, Consent. Etc.


90 Human Warrior
09/17/2013 08:57 AMPosted by Zandrae
I've honestly never really understood how this even manages to be an issue.

Because common sense is so rare it might as well be a superpower.

90 Troll Warlock
You know a post containing "Now I'm going to be incredibly racist" and r-pe jokes won't get a sticky, right?
Edited by Volkuza on 9/17/2013 1:31 PM PDT
100 Human Warrior
You know a post containing "Now I'm going to be incredibly racist" and r-pe jokes won't get a sticky, right?

Zan never asked for a sticky. Simply to inform.

And information was to be had.
90 Troll Warlock
09/17/2013 02:27 PMPosted by Agalladorn
You know a post containing "Now I'm going to be incredibly racist" and r-pe jokes won't get a sticky, right?

Zan never asked for a sticky. Simply to inform.

And information was to be had.

I was addressing the people who insist on posting "Requested sticky!"
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I was addressing the people who insist on posting "Requested sticky!"

Who cares if they request a sticky or not?
Edited by Zandrae on 10/18/2013 9:00 PM PDT
90 Human Death Knight
09/27/2013 12:56 AMPosted by Zandrae
I was addressing the people who insist on posting "Requested sticky!"

Who cares if they request a sticky or not?

100 Blood Elf Paladin
Hello sweeties.
90 Human Death Knight
Sticky requested, wonderful thread my good sir.

@The conversation above me: Mild racism is sometimes needed to prove a point. That shouldn't stop this from being immortalized.
Edited by Ithalin on 10/7/2013 10:47 AM PDT
100 Blood Elf Paladin
It's ok. I'll just rewrite a squeaky clean version with a few more things covered.
35 Blood Elf Hunter
I really like this and think it should remain on front page. Do help me people to keep it there, even if you disagree.
66 Goblin Death Knight
I requested a sticky! It's a good thread that could help the RP community alot ^_^
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