looking to transfer

90 Gnome Rogue
(((im looking to transfer to a great rp server! Heard this one was pretty good, hows the rp both sides? i have a few 90s planning to take one over and was hoping someone can give me to some insight on the guilds here? im an a heavy rp'er)))
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97 Worgen Death Knight
(( You should! Alliance side is great, in fact, we just had a great night in the Blue Recluse!
Still wondering how we managed to NOT get arrested...
There's plenty of guilds with a variety of themes and great, silly people.
Did ye e'er want t' be a pirate?))
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100 Gnome Priest
((I would highly recommend it. The server is full of great people and the community is fairly open. The guild 'larger' guild spread seems to only be a hand-full but their themes cover a pretty broad spectrum. There are also a number of smaller guilds that are almost guaranteed to offer what you can't find with the bigger fellas. *points up to Brassbuckle*

The worgen is correct. If you like good natured silliness then we have that in strides :D. I don't mean to make us sound like we're goofballs, but the community as a whole is fairly accepting of the zany. ...within reason of course.

I'd suggest rolling a level 1 and chatting. /join allianceooc and hang out. Maby join a guild or hop between a few weekly events like "Light and you" sermon, Tavern Night in Booty Bay, and Trubdour Night (i know I spelt that wrong) in IF just to name a few; to get the feel for who's who and what's what. Then I'd bring over your 90. ...but that's just me :)

Look forward to seeing you around! If you do pop on over feel free to add me or Ravenblack to your friends list and contact me whenever you'd like!))

*offers a gnome-sized mug of Darkbrew Lager*
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