Little Gnome Lost...

100 Gnome Monk
Sadly, this will not be one of my story threads.

I'm coming here to say goodbye, for now any way.

Due to financial circumstances beyond my control, I have had to cancel my account.
I don't know when I will be able to return. But I wanted to take some time to say farewell.

Gen, and all the members of Conclave: You have been my CC family since the day I arrived back on this server. And I will miss you all. Especially Gen. You took in a Shy Little Gnome all because of a short story, and made him feel like he finally belonged somewhere. You brought a smile to my face every time I saw you log in, and with your kindness.
"Scarecrow, You I think I'll miss most of all."

To the peoples of Cenarion Circle: Thank you for making my time here so enjoyable.
Both Horde and Alliance. I've met some of the nicest people I've ever known on this realm.

And for those thinking of coming to this server, just do it! It's a great place to call your WoW home!!!

When and IF, I'm able to return, I shall finish my stories. I do hope you have enjoyed them so far.

For now, think of this little Gnome totting off on one of his adventures, picking his flowers and weeds...
Edited by Gnojin on 7/12/2013 6:35 AM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Gno'Jin you will be missed during this time. I hope that things settle down and in the future you are able to return. You will always have a home in Conclave. While your game time will not allow you to post your stories here once the time is up, write away on the guild site.

Happy adventuring until our paths cross again.
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100 Gnome Priest
This indeed makes me sad. I was hoping that our paths would cross IC one day, but looks like that day will have to wait. I also enjoy your stories, so I hope you'll keep writing and posing on the guild site!

*offers a mug of Darkbrew Lager* Here's to hoping that things settle down enough that you can come back, sooner rather than later. But later is good too, so long as you can return. I'm looking forward to RPing with Microlux (again!), Arcfirice, and Gno'gin!

and take care!
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