Roleplay Reborn (OOC)

100 Human Death Knight
I tried to think of a better title.. but, i couldn't help it :P


I don't know how many people have been keeping up with, or are interested in it.. but i know that no MMO comes out without it piquing the interest of some of the Cenarion Circle community.

Today, in particular, i'm speaking of Final Fantasy XIV: Realm Reborn. I, and a few others, are are going to be joining that game when it's released on August 27th of this year; For any that are wondering (or care), i am not leaving WoW. I love our server too much to actually leave.. but XIV is shaping up to be something i'm interested in playing.

So anyway, i was thinking to myself.. Why not see if there's anymore of the community that are going or interested, and if they are.. invite them to join in :P

Right now, the plan is to make a home for ourselves on the Gilgamesh, which is the unofficial non-legacy RP server, unless Square makes a real RP server tag; In which case we'll find a home there.

For people's enjoyment.. there's a few RP related threads on the lodestone forums, mainly the naming convention stickies. :P

Anyway.. yeah, that's all.. Have a good day, everyone.
Edited by Mariiku on 7/18/2013 4:42 PM PDT
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I've been seeing some of the trailers for it and naturally they do look good( but then that's what they are made for heh). Haven't seen much gameplay footage, but from what I've seen it looks to be about as smooth as GW2 so hopefully my computer can handle it. I should still have at least two years of life before I need to upgrade.

I may give it a try since I do love playing anything new. As long as I get to see someone I know playing heh. I installed GW2, SW:Kotor, Defiance, DC Universe mainly because I thought others were going to play them only to be left alone.

I'll give this one a shot, though I may need to finally uninstall some games heh.
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100 Human Death Knight
Sorry, i did have a post there with my character names.. but the NDA hounds are always out in force and with my luck, i'll end up getting flagged :P

So, i'll put out my character names when the Phase 4 (Open Beta) is out :P But yeah, if you do end up playing, you got a friend on there, Rose :)
Edited by Mariiku on 7/19/2013 9:56 PM PDT
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Completely understand heh. After digging around Youtube I found out NDA was the reason there weren't any gameplay videos, though there were some testers with commentary videos using slideshows instead so I got to see some of the game. From the screenshots it looks like we will get to use first and last names which is helpful since I tend to use the same names for every game heh.

I will say though this will be kind of a different game for me. Like learning a whole new language from what I've seen so far. The only FF game I played 99% (last 1% made me quit the game lol) was FF8 on PS1. I've read about FF7 but other than that I know little about the world. Looking over the forums I will have a lot to learn heh.
Edited by Rose on 7/20/2013 1:24 AM PDT
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100 Human Death Knight
Got some more news for you rose!

The beta site is up again, and but the beta only lasts until the end of sunday (I know, only giving people 2 days to both register, DL and play...)

And if any CC'ers do join up to try it, my character's name is U'tabia Aisibhirwyn on the Gilgamesh server. I won't be on until later today.. and the friend requests require us to both be on for it to work.. so if you (or any other CC'er) makes somebody, just leave the name here and i can keep an eye out :)

Note: Just so people don't get up in arms at me, i'm not trying to steal anybody away from WoW or other friends, but trying something new like this isn't really easy to coordinate on the fly :P
Edited by Mariiku on 8/17/2013 6:30 AM PDT
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Having a hard time finding a store with the game, at least for PC anyway. So far every store I've been to either doesn't have it or only has the ps3 version. Trying real hard to avoid having to download it since I know it would take 20 hours to do it heh. I did download a character creation thingy which allows you to premake your character and save it for when the game comes out. It also is kind of a tester to see if your computer can handle the graphics. Happy to say that works perfectly, just need the game now.

Whenever I do get it I'll look you up. I'll most likely stick to being human and will have a Rose character.
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100 Human Warlock
I spent some time yesterday on the website, kinda intrigued, I'd be willing to give it a try....but my computer started laughing at me when I made the suggestion. It's way underpowered to run that game, so it'll have to wait.
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Apparently so will I heh. Bought the digital, downloaded the setup annnnd the launcher is a black screen of nothing. Don't even know if I made it to a actual download part. The game code they sent me comes up as invalid which in reading the forums seems to be all to common. Naturally I expect problems on launch day, but that's after the game successfully is installed.

I should have just waited for the physical copy, pretty sure I can't refund a digital copy and so far all responses are robots from the help desk. Sounds very familiar...
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