Seeking Recruits for Private Security ((H-RP)

100 Blood Elf Death Knight
*You see posters tacked up around the various Horde capital cities, advertising what appears to be a Job Opening*


Blackblade Security is seeking new recruits with a passion for security and flexible available hours!

Greetings, fellow members of the Horde. My name, is Fastice. Since my emergence from the Ebon Hold so many years ago, I have noticed a declining number of Men and Woman dedicated to helping and protecting their fellow Orc, Troll, Tauren, Forsaken, Sin'Dorei, Goblin, or Pandaren.

I am here to say, we are not all gone. In fact, many of us remain, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that we can indeed band together, and protect those who need it.

I am here to cordially invite any and all able-bodied persons to invest your time, and your spirit, into the soon-to-be formed, Blackblade Security Company!

And as for those of you who are troubled. For those of you who are doubted, harassed, or lack the skills necessary to defend yourselves from the troubling times that are brewing within our Horde, I can promise you all, we will be here. You may seek asylum within our walls if you like, attend a self-defense class we will be hosting, or even just ask aid from one of our members.

As I am only one Elf, I regret to say that this company is not yet running, but that is where I need your help! Willing Recruits, participants, candidates, or simply concerned citizens, you may contact me by letter if you so desire, or by other means of a mystical sort.

I will answer any and all applicants.

Please, brothers and sisters of the Horde, let us fear no longer. Let us join together to protect one another.

For the Horde!

((Now for the out of character bits! Blackblade Security will be a Private Security based Roleplaying Guild. We will be orchestrating occasional heroic runs, as well as a possible raid group should the opportunity arise and numbers allow. But our primary focus will be on Security positions, including but not limited to, being hired as added muscle for event security, Bounty Hunting, and guard duties.

I also intend to orchestrate a possible server-wide roleplaying event in which specific members of our guild instruct more inexperienced characters in the ways of self-defense. It will also be a place for people to come, spar if they like, talk, drink, etc. If the interest is high enough, of course.

I am currently in the signature-hunting phase, but I consider it this way; I would rather be recruiting new members who would like to stay than collecting signatures of people who would leave the guild as soon as it is created.

Guild chat would be In character as a kind of "Base of Operations" Setup, with an out of character chat channel provided as well.

If anyone has a character whom would be a good fit, feel free to contact me on this character via in-game mail, or a whisper. Thank you for your time!))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
[ Hi! I'm in the process of getting a new RP guild up and running as well. We should join forces sometime. I host an event on Sundays that involves priceless artifacts, so it would make sense to beef up security in these tumultuous times. I'll keep an eye out for you in game. ]
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
((That sounds good! Once everything gets up and running, We'll have to have our characters get in contact to iron out the details! I'll be sure to keep in touch.))
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
((Had some amazing random roleplay last night with a few awesome people. That being said, I only need one more signature! If anyone's interested, please, don't hesitate to let me know!))
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
The death knight continued his menial task. It seemed whenever he placed a flier of recruitment around Orgrimmar, it was taken down almost immediately thereafter by the Kor'Kron.

He had been fortunate three nights ago, when he discussed his future security company with the three men he ran into during this task, but he still lacked a single signature to start his security venture, and he was starting to lose hope.

He walked up to a command board and tacked in another flier. As he gave a belittled sigh and turned around, a Kor'Kron overseer was waiting for him.

"So, you're the one who's been placing this filth. Come with me."

He was led to a stuffy cottage on the outskirts of the city, where he was locked with five different orcs dressed in Kor'Kron garb.

"What gives you the right to think that any members of the Horde need protectin', when the warchief has set the Kor'Kron to that task, huh?"

Fastice removed his hood and looked the Kor'Kron in the eye. "I can assure you, I meant no disrespect. I only wish to offer services to those beyond the Kor'Kron's reach. If it-"

A thick green hand pummeled his cheek twice. "NOTHING is beyond the reach of the Kor'Kron! If you want to keep spouting this filth, keep it to Silvermoon and away from here!"

The overseer who brought him there punched him twice in the stomach, threw him out of the cottage, and spit on him.

"Listen to what I said and leave, Elf. Or you'll get more than a beating next time."

Fastice got to his feet. Wiping the spit off his cheek, he threw his hood back up and walked away from the cottage. As he returned to the valley of strength he smiled, and spoke quietly to himself. "Did they really think that would stop me?"

Looking over the business going about in the city, he stopped to listen to the people run by busily.

"The Horde needs this company more than I thought. Even if it's for protection from their own kind."

With new resolve, he started toward the valley of wisdom, to place fliers and hope for the best.

((The Blackblade security company has almost formed! I just need one more interested beneficiary to sign the charter, and we'll be good to go! Again, if you or anyone you know may be interested, contact me here, or in game, for more information or to sign the charter. Thank you for reading, and I'm very excited for this project to take hold and for recruitment to truly begin!))
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100 Goblin Rogue
Renzly quickly left the city after the Library's wine tasting, spending the extra coin needed to get a port to Booty Bay. She didn't like being in Silvermoon; too many elves and far too few goblins.

She ditched the skirt at the first opportunity, opting for more comfortable leggings before heading to one of the port town's seedier sections. It was about the time of night the drunks would be filing into the street. She found a perch underneath a building's overhang and waited.

She idly played with a copper coin, flipping it in the air. Flip, flip. The coin turned silver. Flip. Copper. With a grin, she caught the coin one more time and rolled it across her knuckles.

It really was a skill born of many bored hours, waiting and watching.

She'd been curious about this new company that had popped up, and Fastice had not yet disappointed. She had the opportunity to meet him and a few of his people in Silvermoon. She didn't believe in this "higher ideal" of his, but he didn't strike her as muscle bound jock just out to make a gold. This was definitely a group to keep an eye on the next time she visited up north.

She flipped the coin high with a bit of a flourish and held out the former owner's purse to catch it. . . only to miss by a fraction of an inch. The coin fell down to the boardwalk with a soft thunk and rolled away.

Well. She'd work on that part later.

((Fun meeting you and your new guild today. Glad you finally got your signatures!))
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