Looking for people for a pug TOT raid

100 Human Mage
We are looking for 1 off tank and 2-3 healers for a consistent pug group. We plan on raiding on Tuesday 6:00 PM server. Basically we used to raid but then quit or went to LFR now a few of us are back and are bored with LFR. So if your interested you can message me on Alinathered or Alinathetree
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100 Human Mage
If you get desperate ;) I wouldn't mind helping where I can. My tank and healer are both in the low 500’s.



I have not tanked ToT but have watched the videos extensively. I have dps'd and healed both quite allot via lfr and attempted a few normal's.
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90 Pandaren Priest
Ive got a druid tank at 524 and a priest at 489 that I am focusing on gearing

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