When did this become acceptable?

100 Human Priest
The absolutely no effort instance run? While the low level instances are pathetically easy I do not see the point of telling a group that you will be following one of the players, normally the healer, but it can be a ranged dps as in the case of my alt. Then going to watch tv while they clear the instance and get you xp, sure you miss out on the loot, but most alts are completely loomed out now so it doesn't matter.

The other day I was in Strat and this warlock says he is going to put me on follow, as we had my hunter who was loomed, and a rogue who was loomed, and a loomed tank. Said his dps was overkill. I said absolutely not, but the rest of the group just started with the "lol, its lowbie lfd, who cares" and variations thereof. Even if the stuff was easy you need to at least put forth some minimal amount of effort. I warn them to stay by the door, run forward and multi shot as many mobs as I can with Shecky the warlock on autofollow. FD and he dies, all the mobs run back and I make a break for the door. The mobs reset while the rest of us were outside.

Why do people accept afkers in instances, no matter what the level? Yeah it's easy and fairly fast to four man it, but with another dps it would be even faster. This is not the first time it has happened, it has happened a lot sience pandaria shipped, that or I noticed it more.

PS. Wasn't there an undead in one of the northrend towns that was named Shecky? He was an assistant to the apothicary there and she melts him with a potion she thought he messed up then yells for another assistant.
Edited by Merissavanna on 7/24/2013 8:51 AM PDT
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100 Orc Shaman
That's when you Vote to Kick or, if that doesn't work, /ignore them, and you'll never be grouped with them again.
Edited by Oskor on 7/24/2013 9:18 AM PDT
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90 Pandaren Warrior
The greatest danger of viewing common courtesy as a basic human element, is to assume it actually is.
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100 Draenei Mage
While it is okay to expect some effort from your fellow players, don't get too bent out of shape over it. It's a game. Go through the game channels to block the experience by VtK or /ignore or leaving the run. It's not worth the stress and frustration that leads you here. If you can, find a group of CCers to join you when you begin runs. It will improve your morale and your enjoyment of the game.
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I don't usually advocate for kick frenzies, but autofollows are one of the things that'll do it.
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100 Gnome Priest
I second (or third!) the advice heretofore give.

However, I do understand your frustration. I have had several of my own experiences with freeloaders.
IMO, it's one thing to be in a group of friends and do that. I'll have no issue with it. But in a random pug such as the one you described it's everybody's' responsibility to participate regardless the circumstances.
If its so easy that there really isn't a need for him to be there, then he should have no problem hanging back and doing the minimum like throwing out the occasional aoe and rolling on loot. OR! as you suggested, get into the game and help this ball roll even faster.

Its funny, this post brings back the memory of recent conversations I've had with a few RL friends. We all got into wow together and have been playing since Vanilla, so we reminisce about the "good ol'days" when you actually had to work for things.

If you wanted to run an instance you had to form the group yourself and then physically run there. Running MC for instance, we'd gather at Lakeshire then run in mass through the Burning Steppes to the Mountain, down to the entrance of BRD, then run through BRD and into Molten Core. We also played on a PVP server, so if we didn't run as a group then we'd be ganked right and left since Battle Grounds didn't exist. The world was a PVP Battle Ground.

Ahhh, the good old days! :D

While today's modern conveniences have their advantages, (and don't get me wrong, I love them) they also produce certain disadvantages. One of them being younglings that haven't had the taste of the "good old experiences" of ages past, and so take these for granted. They 'pug-up', expect something for nothing and then cry about it when someone denies them; because after all they only have to drop, wait 30 minutes and rejoin another group, rinse-repeat.

Unfortunately that's just the reality we game in today. Our only real recourse is to do one of the above (VtK, /Ignore, Drop Group) or simply don't play. Sucks, I know.
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/24/2013 4:36 PM PDT
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100 Human Priest
Yeah I have played sience classic beta, I never managed to get a swift mount and so got left out of a lot of world bosses, but the mounts were so expensive. I am not asking for much I don't think. I hate haveing to eat a half hour debuff because people are lazy.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I have even seen this attitude in LFR in regards to AFKers.
I feel the reason people "accept" the AFKers is probably because they simply see no point in trying to punish them. They'll just put them on ignore or shrug and continue on. However, while putting them on ignore may make it so you don't group with them again, it does NOT solve the problem.

Kicking them from the group is the only way I know of to send a message that such behavior is not okay. The issue for this comes when the violating player can't be kicked or when the vote kick fails.
In which case I have just left the group, left behind any frustration in the instance, and moved on.
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100 Human Priest
After reading some of these replys of mine I kinda feel like the old man screaming at the kids to get off my lawn, the lazy hippies. =p
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I find myself followed by AFK-ers who don't ask. These unwanted shadows only prompt this question: "Can I find a way to kill him?"

They can't be mad at you if they're away from the keyboard. So many deaths. So many delicious deaths.
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100 Human Priest
And Finn, hunters are perfect for killing them. If you at least warn your team what your doing so they don't take a repair bill as well.
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