It was a few hours before she returned, in the company of Donaby and Penn; Penn had suggested waiting until Othmar had returned from his errand, but Donaby shook his head.
"He's had his go, and now Stoneheardt is confessing. We'll get the details he couldn't."
Donaby wasted no time in laying those questions on Kordrion. "You wished to confess?"
"I'll say whatever you want if you leave my order out of this."
Vallandi frowned and looked at Donaby, but the man didn't seemed at all perturbed by Kordrion's statement, battering him with further questions about his dealings with the Horde: who were his contacts? Who arranged the meetings?
I don't have a specific contact sir, I work with various members or organizations as fits my need at the time… if it is important enough I go to them directly, otherwise I send word through AAMS, as they are a neutral group who are confidential in all dealings, up to delivering letters still sealed. They do not know the messages I send… I never send the letters directly to their recipients, sir...
She grew unsettled as she noticed the pattern to Kordrion's answers. He was always the one taking the initiative. He took information without other's knowledge. Every thing he said put the blame solely on himself, and no one else.
Donaby continued his questions, anyway, interrogating him about his military connections. "You say you listen to people around you. Do you mean you are spying on the military?"
“Yes, sir.”
"Then the incident last year when Arlston Cross was discovered spying upon a prisoner interrogation was under your orders?"
"No sir, that was his own choice. Had I wished to I could have simply asked my father to include me," Kordrion continued to answer simply and tiredly.
Donaby latched onto that. "Do you use your family connections for spying purposes?"
"Only if I have no other way of getting the information."
"Have you been intentionally ingratiating yourself with member of the military to gain information?"
"Yes, sir."
There was a slight pause before Donaby asked with deliberate care, "And how did this factor into your relationship with Lieutenant Ketlan Jancis?"
Kordrion abruptly stiffened, snapping to full attention. "It did not," he replied tersely. "At the time I chose to start courting her I had a much more lucrative source of information through my father."
"And what about now?"
Vallandi grit her teeth; the commander was intentionally provoking him, she was sure. To catch him off guard? Or for some other reason?
Kord gave Donaby a quiet stare. "When she chose to enter my service in lieu of renewing her military contract she ceased having access to things that would be of use. I love Ketlan. She and my son are the two people I would never endanger nor use for anything."
"No," Donaby said with disdain, "You would simply endanger their future by aiding our enemies."
The questions didn't last much longer; Donaby was finally growing irritated at Kordrion's refusal to name anyone else culpable for crimes against the Alliance. "I'll have some paper brought to you, and you can write down the names of those you've been in contact with," he said. "I expect you to be more forthcoming the next time we meet. Or there are ways we can use to 'improve' your memory."
Kordrion paled, but nodded. "Yes, sir."
Donaby jerked his head at Penn, and the two filed out of the room. Vallandi lingered behind, placing a bedroll by Kordrion.
"If you're lying," she whispered, "they're going to find out."
"Nothing I said was untrue," he replied, unnervingly calm. "He will take it as he wants to take it. They will hang me as a traitor, and my people will be safe."
She retreated from the room, the resigned expression in his eyes haunting her steps.
"He's had his go, and now Stoneheardt is confessing. We'll get the details he couldn't."
Donaby wasted no time in laying those questions on Kordrion. "You wished to confess?"
"I'll say whatever you want if you leave my order out of this."
Vallandi frowned and looked at Donaby, but the man didn't seemed at all perturbed by Kordrion's statement, battering him with further questions about his dealings with the Horde: who were his contacts? Who arranged the meetings?
I don't have a specific contact sir, I work with various members or organizations as fits my need at the time… if it is important enough I go to them directly, otherwise I send word through AAMS, as they are a neutral group who are confidential in all dealings, up to delivering letters still sealed. They do not know the messages I send… I never send the letters directly to their recipients, sir...
She grew unsettled as she noticed the pattern to Kordrion's answers. He was always the one taking the initiative. He took information without other's knowledge. Every thing he said put the blame solely on himself, and no one else.
Donaby continued his questions, anyway, interrogating him about his military connections. "You say you listen to people around you. Do you mean you are spying on the military?"
“Yes, sir.”
"Then the incident last year when Arlston Cross was discovered spying upon a prisoner interrogation was under your orders?"
"No sir, that was his own choice. Had I wished to I could have simply asked my father to include me," Kordrion continued to answer simply and tiredly.
Donaby latched onto that. "Do you use your family connections for spying purposes?"
"Only if I have no other way of getting the information."
"Have you been intentionally ingratiating yourself with member of the military to gain information?"
"Yes, sir."
There was a slight pause before Donaby asked with deliberate care, "And how did this factor into your relationship with Lieutenant Ketlan Jancis?"
Kordrion abruptly stiffened, snapping to full attention. "It did not," he replied tersely. "At the time I chose to start courting her I had a much more lucrative source of information through my father."
"And what about now?"
Vallandi grit her teeth; the commander was intentionally provoking him, she was sure. To catch him off guard? Or for some other reason?
Kord gave Donaby a quiet stare. "When she chose to enter my service in lieu of renewing her military contract she ceased having access to things that would be of use. I love Ketlan. She and my son are the two people I would never endanger nor use for anything."
"No," Donaby said with disdain, "You would simply endanger their future by aiding our enemies."
The questions didn't last much longer; Donaby was finally growing irritated at Kordrion's refusal to name anyone else culpable for crimes against the Alliance. "I'll have some paper brought to you, and you can write down the names of those you've been in contact with," he said. "I expect you to be more forthcoming the next time we meet. Or there are ways we can use to 'improve' your memory."
Kordrion paled, but nodded. "Yes, sir."
Donaby jerked his head at Penn, and the two filed out of the room. Vallandi lingered behind, placing a bedroll by Kordrion.
"If you're lying," she whispered, "they're going to find out."
"Nothing I said was untrue," he replied, unnervingly calm. "He will take it as he wants to take it. They will hang me as a traitor, and my people will be safe."
She retreated from the room, the resigned expression in his eyes haunting her steps.