The following notices are posted throughout the major Alliance cities.
Next Sunday, at 6 bells in the evening, Conclave will be holding a clothing drive for those in need in Westfall.
We will be handing out clothing and food to those in need on the border of Elwynn Forest and Westfall.
OOC Info:
Where: The border of Elwynn and Westfall (to avoid Westfall phasing)
When: Aug 11, 6pm
What: We have Rp gear to give away, everything from complete sets of gear to a couple of items here and there. We want this gear to go to people who will use it for tmog and/or levelling. Be willing to equip the gear and it's yours.
Food and drink will also be provided.
Next Sunday, at 6 bells in the evening, Conclave will be holding a clothing drive for those in need in Westfall.
We will be handing out clothing and food to those in need on the border of Elwynn Forest and Westfall.
OOC Info:
Where: The border of Elwynn and Westfall (to avoid Westfall phasing)
When: Aug 11, 6pm
What: We have Rp gear to give away, everything from complete sets of gear to a couple of items here and there. We want this gear to go to people who will use it for tmog and/or levelling. Be willing to equip the gear and it's yours.
Food and drink will also be provided.
Edited by Genevra on 8/5/2013 9:13 AM PDT