[H] Any guilds on horde side LFM for 10 mans?

90 Pandaren Shaman
We are currently looking at possibly teaming up with another guild to possibly run 10 mans. We are a very relaxed guild, so obviously raiding is always optional. I just wanted to see if there were any other laid back guilds who are lacking for 10 man raids, but have some members who would like to run. We are currently just doing LFR's at the moment. Maturity is most important. Attendance of course would depend on times, and days. We could have anywhere between 3-7 players that might be able to attend. Any other non-elite guilds interested in discussing this? Just post on here your, and I will msg you ingame.

Thanks for your time, and have a good day!
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93 Blood Elf Hunter
Hi there! If any of your members are interested, Dominion normally runs an alt raid every Friday from 6pm server to 9pm server. We usually have a few spots open. Only requirements are min 500 ilvl and knowledge of your class. If you guys are interested, we are running alt raid tonight! You can just send me a mail in game or throw me a whisper :)
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90 Pandaren Shaman
Hey, thank you for the response! I will let my guildmates know. I know myself, I am not quite at 500 ilvl. So, I guess I better keep plugging away at the LFR's. :) I will try to msg you tonight if its before 6pm and ask a few more questions.
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