The Light and You: Understanding Shamanism[A]

100 Human Paladin
The following notices appear in the major cities of the Alliance.

Each week spend an hour gathered together to expand our knowledge of the Light. The Light is but one facet of our life and teaches us that we must find understanding in all things. We would like this Wednesday to expand our understanding of Shamanism.

We would invite all Shaman who would be willing to share their experiences and knowledge with the realm to come to the Light and You this Wednesday at 6 bells at the Gazebo behind the Cathedral in Stormwind.

Please come share your Light with us.

OOC: A special Q&A Light and You, this Wednesday (tomorrow) at 6p server. If you are a shaman or know one who would be interested in speaking please post here or get in touch with me in game! Thank you.
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100 Human Paladin
((Thank you very much to Kushuma, Rhudran and Khromie for speaking, and thank you for everyone who attended!))
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