When it rains, it pours...
The Sin'Dorei waited, the lanky and awkward elf drenched in sweat. He was overdue in his return but the messages he bore could not be delivered by just anyone. Inwardly he hoped to spot Lindi, Gatrandas, anyone else would be the better bearer of this news than he, but this was not Dabeth's lucky day. Dressed in the finest livery of his master, Lumeus Sunwarden, his tabard bearing the family's crest, his soft-sold shoes scuffling against the paving stones only echoed his anxiety.
"Send it via the AAMS, they'll be thrilled." One servant echoed.
"He'll be waltzing in here like he owns the place," Another sneered.
An elder servant spoke up, chiding the two younger, "This is the way of things. Bastard or no, Lumeus is neither married, nor has any formal heirs, if the House is to remain in tact, he'll be the one managing it."
Rumors abound throughout the Sunwarden household that the steward had taken a bribe from Trenetir, whether or not this was true, one thing was certain: the sleep that took Lumeus did not kill him, no he lay peacefully slumbering, the poison that took him failed to linger on his lips, or so the investigators told the household.
When Dabeth finally laid eyes upon Trenetir Moradinel, the businessman arrived from within the home, despite Dabeth waiting at the front entrance for what seemed like hours. The look on Trenetir's face drifted between annoyance and satisfaction as he eyed Dabeth. "What does my brother want now?" He barked at the messenger.
Stifling a stammer he thrust the message into Trenetir's outstretched hand. "He s..s..s..ends n.n..n...no...no message for he lingers on death's bed."
Trenetir's eyes lit up as he read the message from the Household's Steward, a satisfied smirk befalling his lips. "How unfortunate," his smile remained. "Return to the Steward and have him bring forth the books, there shall be an accounting of the household before week's end."
Dabeth did not need to be told twice, rumors of more than one messenger gone missing after delivering a message to Moradinel were enough for him to keep his distance. He bowed low, too low nearly toppling over, "Y...y..yes S..s..er... Mi..milord."
Once the messenger was gone, he could not help but recount his good fortune, "Elre is held safe in the dungeons, the Alliance scum will be chasing a false trail..." He poured himself a glass of wine, pausing in his monologue to take a sip, savoring the familiar taste. He moved throughout the house, avoiding his cell like room in favor of a parlor on the second floor, the balcony overlooking the city proper.
"Lumeus' untimely situation is a boon to both business and to my success, I shall have to be sure to share this news with Irilin, perhaps there may be a burst of funding for the arts." His own satisfaction with himself was disgusting. It was well that there were none save a handful of servants around to hear him speak. "Ah yes, there is the matter of Tel'andres, I shall have to send word on that matter."
"Ker'gal." He called, a rather taciturn looking elf entering the room, "Send word to Auraelith, I would be honored to dine with her at her earliest convenience."
It was a smug man who looked out over the city, watching the bazaar, people far too interested in their own lives to ever be bothered to look up ans see that they were the watched.
...and sometimes, that downpour is one of good news.
Edited by Trenetir on 10/6/2013 3:22 PM PDT