Hello i used to be a hardcore raider (sub 500 ranked guild) but i found i did not have the time for that anymore so i quit WOW back in Wrath (right after my guild downed Heroic Anub) i recently came back to the game and joined this server because i have a RL friend here in march. I have been looking for a guild through the in-game system but nobody uses that system it seams.

LFR is not satisfying my raiding itch at all its just to easy and no challenge. i do not have the time to raid hardcore anymore as i'm in my senior year in my BS program. but i would like to find guild who meets the following standards.

-Raids a couple times a week. (my schedule changes every 8 week session but Thursday and Friday nights is always no).

-Gets all the normal raids done (heroic would be nice but i cant be picky).

-has people who like to work on achievements (that they need or that others need) (from current and old content i missed ll of cata during my break).

-25 Man would be preferred because its way more fun and not as picky on classes (for instance in 25 you need X healers for a fight where 10 man it has to be druid and shaman etc) but will do 10 man as i see there is not very many 25 man guilds anymore unfortunately.

-Friendly and people who want to make friends

I was a top healer in my old guild before i left i take healing very seriously i was healing before wow and will be healing long after wow is gone. So unlike a lot of healers i am a healer that wants to be a healer instead of one who rolled to get groups.

If your guild looks like it may be interested contact me in-game via mail system lemniwinks would be the best way (i play a lot during the day but some on alts) i don't check the forums often because i dislike drama but you can also post here.