After Dark is a 10 man raiding guild looking for another Healer. We would prefer a Paladin or priest healer to fill out our 12 man team.

A littler about us. After Dark has been around in one form or another since Wrath. Everyone in the group has had decent end game experience and most have been around since vanilla. We are a mature guild and only allow in 18+ years of age members. Most people in the guild are 25+ with families. We will use foul language from time to time and make jokes at others expense on occasion but always in good fun.

We raid on Sunday and Monday nights from 8pm server to 12am server. When it is raid time we buckle down and work hard toward our goals. We currently have all normal ToT on farm and are working on our first couple of hard modes. We plan to have the majority of hard modes finished up on the next patch and want a healer who can accommodate our needs.

We will provide flasks and food for raids but expect anyone who attends to know the fights before hand by watching videos and having all gear enchanted and gemmed appropriately. We use Mumble for communication and expect anyone who raids with us to be able to use the program properly and have a working mic.

You can contact Psogras or Slyshade in game by mail or whisper for more information.