Tat Awful Elf

47 Troll Hunter
((this was not Gath's first run-in with That Awful Elf; hopefully I can record his previous run-ins with That Awful Elf (no, I can't say it enough times), but for now, I guess I'll start in the middle))
Edited by Gathjin on 9/1/2013 10:07 PM PDT
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47 Troll Hunter
It was a humid, lazy evening.

The quiet crash of the waves, the sea salt laden air, the sweaty glasses containing chilled alcohol – all added to what was a lethargic, hang-loose get-together. Lounge Night was winding down.

Though truth be told, this was a night that never really wound up (Loa be thanked and begrudging thanks to that elf). A few tables still had patrons drinking and chatting. The sea breeze was keeping the goblin busy as she worked to clear the “airfield” of all those downed paper airplanes and one wad of paper. Several folks had already left and conversations were quieting to an even lower hum.

Trenetir Moradinel arrived late in the evening and hung out, participating in few conversations.

Gath’jin kept an eye on him, most of the time, and took particular note when the elf approached Kezrin. That elf interrupted her clean-up, asking her to step out for a more private conversation. Gath’jin overheard his request and he did not like it. Apparently neither did Kezrin; he saw a worried look in her eyes as they left.

So once they were barely away, Gath ordered Lucy to follow them. A few minutes later, he sensed Lucy’s distress, very likely a mirror to Kezrin’s, so Gath apologized to and took leave of his tablemates. He followed Lucy’s, Kezrin’s, and that elf’s footprints outside the Hideaway barricades - this was not good. The jungle was barely cleared past the settlement’s walls.
Edited by Gathjin on 9/1/2013 10:17 PM PDT
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47 Troll Hunter
Within the “land-moat”, just outside the barricade, he was glad to see the goblin still upright and talking to the elf, who was practically hid behind one of the outbuildings. Gath took a glance around for any traps. As he approached, Kezrin caught sight of him, sighed with relief, and beckoned him over.

“Choo left choor drink back der,” Gath’jin offered as an explanation for his interruption, handing Kezrin a spare glass of Firewater he had brought with him. He was not surprised when she was too distracted to take it, so he turned to look at . . . that elf.

Impatiently, Trenetir beckoned them both closer, further behind the out building. Gath’jin was wary, taking several sharp looks around again for a possible trap. The Hideaway guards would not be able to see anything that happened here behind the outbuilding.

Kezrin skooched forward a few small steps and stopped well out of reach of the elf; following her lead, Gath drew up beside her and crouched down. Lucy ruffled her feathers and paced behind the two AAMSers.

"Trust is far from coming it seems. I only wish to arrange a message, funny I thought that was your business,” said the elf, stating the more than obvious. “This message must not be written down but conveyed orally, if that means I must pay more then I shall.”

“We do that, we.” Gath nodded and wondered what the elf was up to now.
Kezrin confirmed, “Yeah... not a problem.”

Trenetir relayed the message he wanted delivered.
No surprise: the elf’s message was disturbing, his terms unsettling.

Kezrin seemed fairly quiet tonight, happy enough to let the troll do the final dealing. As she was the brains in this operation, he was glad to front for her. He could count on her to interject (or give him a quick kick) if he misstepped.

The oily elf ended his spiel, “Thank you as always for your courtesy and discretion,” and walked back into the Hideaway.
Edited by Gathjin on 9/1/2013 10:18 PM PDT
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47 Troll Hunter
Gathjin waited until the elf was clear and away, then spat on the ground in disgust.
Kezrin shuddered. "He reminds me of people I don't like."
Gath growled agreement, “He BE people I doon like.”
“I suppose that's true, too”

They conferred over a couple more points of the evening, then Gath suggested, “Let's get back, get a trink. We has . . . Nice Folks . . . ta be talkin' to.”

The goblin nodded agreement and the two (and Lucy) walked back to the Lounge.
Which was now empty. “Hah! Even when he not be here, he be scarin' way da customers.” Gath’jin growled his displeasure.

Kezrin scooped up her gliders from where she had “hangar”-ed them during the meeting. "Grab those papers, would ya?" She nodded at her table and the unfolded stack of papers that she had used as her aero-source material.

Gathjin scowled. He knew how she felt about the office paperwork and he tried hard to make certain he was never in her sights for office assistant, but it had been a hard end to the night so for now, he picked up the stacks. “Back to da office wid dese?”

Kezrin replied shortly, “Nah. This way.”
Gathjin, puzzled, followed her into the kitchen and then froze in disbelief when she dumped the paper planes into the BBQ. He stood frozen for just a second as they went up in flames and then let out a hearty laugh. “Choo one mean bidness woman, choo.”

Gathjin stepped up to the BBQ as the goblin replied, “Can't just be litterin', can we?”
“No we cannah, bosslaty.” Gathjin tossed the papers on the BBQ and hopped back as the fire flared up.

Kezrin grinned, a very goblinish grin, at the small blaze. They watched the flames for a few satisfactory moments.

"Well now dat we got the bizness over wit, I tink I be goin' for a jog." Wind rushing through his hair, the stretching of his legs and lungs, these might clear the displeasure in his soul that that elf had left.

Kezrin nodded. “Ya take care.”
Edited by Gathjin on 9/1/2013 10:20 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((this made my morning!))
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