[A] 533 elemental shaman looking for new home

90 Pandaren Shaman
Hi there CC!

My current raid team is changing it's raid times, and they no longer work for me. So I need a new place to call home.

I raided through all of wrath, doing some Ulduar and ICC heroic modes in both 10 and 25 man formats at the time. Quit at the end of that, came back for Cata in time to clear all of Dragon Soul on normal. Killed every boss in t14 on normal bar amber shaper and every boss in t15 on normal. So I consider myself fairly experienced and willing to try and improve myself. If you'd like further evaluations on my current skill level, there should be plenty of logs you can view (from The Wild Hunt) at the worldoflogs site.

I have a resto offspec, and I'm willing to use that if it will better fit a raid team. However, since I don't have much in the way of dedicated healing gear, this does mean I've been doing a lot of healing in DPS forged gear. Were I to go full time healing, I'd of course fix that as best I can and then gear appropriately through SoO. I caution that I don't consider myself the most experienced of healers, though I've been able to pull my weight so far this expansion.

I'm ideally looking for a 10 man guild. I'd consider a 25 man, but my computer is very weak and I may suffer performance trouble in a 25 man setting due to getting very low fps. I'm available and willing to raid at any time, provided that I have either wednesday or thursday (preferably both, but I can deal with only having one night) free from 7pm server time onwards.

Finally, while I'd prefer to join up with an already progressed guild (somewhere around having killed Lei Shen on normal would be perfect as that's how far I've progressed myself), I'd happily consider joining any raid team that puts effort in to getting things right.

Thanks for your consideration.
Edited by Kushuma on 9/3/2013 8:09 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
Would you consider faction changing?
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90 Pandaren Shaman
Would you consider faction changing?

Unfortunately, I'm on a very, very tight budget IRL. Faction changing would take up too much of my income and leave me without anything to eat for a week.

I would consider it, if I could set the money aside, but I'd have to be seriously comitted to the idea first. Maybe we should discuss it some time?
Edited by Kushuma on 9/3/2013 8:05 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
My battletag is Conquistador#1596 if you wish to talk.
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90 Pandaren Monk
Can recommend the hell out of this one. Great player, great person. All around fun. Refuses to speak in vent, though-- I've a sneaking suspicion she's not actually an Englishwoman, but rather a large African American male with a Bronx accent.

Srsly, though. Snatch this opportunity up. We love her to death here <3 She can furnish plenty of logs and stuff via us. And has 9/9 gold experience to boot!
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100 Tauren Druid
Can recommend the hell out of this one. Great player, great person. All around fun. Refuses to speak in vent, though-- I've a sneaking suspicion she's not actually an Englishwoman, but rather a large African American male with a Bronx accent.

Heh I can guarantee authentic britishness. I'm Kushuma's housemate and used to raid with her in Heroic ICC and Ulduar HMs.
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100 Orc Warrior
09/03/2013 04:52 PMPosted by Waraila
Can recommend the hell out of this one. Great player, great person. All around fun. Refuses to speak in vent, though-- I've a sneaking suspicion she's not actually an Englishwoman, but rather a large African American male with a Bronx accent.

Heh I can guarantee authentic britishness. I'm Kushuma's housemate and used to raid with her in Heroic ICC and Ulduar HMs.

What a small world! I saw you post on the PTR forums about melee/range disparity and I liked your comments. What a small world indeed.
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90 Pandaren Shaman
<3 you all.

Still searching around. I will use the sad panda eyes technique if I have to, I'm warning you all!

Edito - Cenerae#1841 is my battletag, if it's easier to contact me through that than the forums. This is something I probably should have remembered to include originally. But...better late than never.
Edited by Kushuma on 9/4/2013 1:18 AM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
What a small world! I saw you post on the PTR forums about melee/range disparity and I liked your comments. What a small world indeed.

Very small :)

Still searching around. I will use the sad panda eyes technique if I have to, I'm warning you all!

Oh hell ./flees

You do not want to see the sad panda eyes technique... you really don't.
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