Want to be a Hero? <Flex Raid Recruitment>

90 Human Paladin
Patch 5.4 is almost upon us and Joser's Heroes (Ævolution) is recruiting the following...

1) One Healer

2) DPS with resto offspec

3) DPS
    Ele/Enhance Shammy

We are shooting for a roster of 15 people so if your class/spec is not listed we may still need you. We would also be open to merging with another raid group who is dealing the “Cenarion Circle lack of people dilemma”.

Here is the story of Ævolution's Joser's Heroes...
Just a bit of background on us quiet bunch of casual raiders. We formed during T6 (December 2007) to
ravage Zul'Aman and we managed to pull off 12 successful Amani bear mount
runs. We were pretty hardcore up to MoP but have taken a more relaxed look at raiding. We are going from Normal to Flex so we are recruiting to fill our roster. CC is not what is used to be for people, flex raiding will certainly help a lot.

General info…
  • You do not have to be part of our guild to raid. We would like you to
    apply if you like us though....but it is not a deal breaker.
  • We provide all flasks, elixirs, potions and fish feasts. Repairs are your
    own responsibility but, if you join the guild you get 100g per day nudge,
    nudge, wink, wink!
  • Loot - Free roll loot with a conscience. We have always done loot this way
    and our members are very respectful of other’s needs. We all know that if
    that piece goes to the right person the raid as a whole prospers
  • Fun on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 to 9 server time! We are focused
    but we have a great time and there is no raid leader screaming at everyone
    over every little mistake. We are an autonomous collective who works
    together to kill
  • Our goal at the end of the day is to get together, kill some bosses, have fun, and collect shinies.
  • That in a nutshell is really what Joser's Heroes is about, interested please
    contact Cassey in game or reply to this post.

    If you want to join an efficient, autonomous, mature, eco-friendly raid,
    give us a ring!
    Edited by Cassey on 8/28/2013 3:38 PM PDT
    Reply Quote
    90 Human Paladin
    Patch 5.4 is here and we are looking for more people. We have about 15+ on the roster now and are looking for a variety of classes. Flex has been great so far, I think it is one of the best WoW changes I have seen. The loot is not as good as normal but close and it is not faceroll easy like LFR.
    Reply Quote
    90 Human Paladin
    Cassey and Aevolution are good people. If you're looking for a raid, you should give them a shot.
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    100 Human Mage
    I'll bite - as far as your recruitment needs I have a mage and enhance around 500-505 - between the two I prefer enhance. If you're open to other melee I like feral or ret. I have OS gear for all my toons and switch around often so I don't mind being "that guy" - I'll even spec echo and forego my lightning bolts for you.

    Sanctuary Garden/CoK stopped raiding for the most part into HoF so I'll occassionally fill in on an alt or two so I have some spotty raiding experience as of late. People know know, I am a nice guy :)
    Edited by Sand on 9/16/2013 3:50 PM PDT
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    90 Human Paladin
    We are moving and grooving, currently 7/14 and 3 hours tonight to get a few new boss kills. If you want to join us Tuesday or Thursday from 6-9 (or any part thereof) whisper me in game. I LOVE the flex format, it is fun and working out well. Great change Blizz!
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    90 Human Paladin
    Forgot to mention that we are looking for ranged DPS at this point big time.
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    91 Pandaren Hunter
    Im looking for a flex group that I can join on a regular basis, you can pst either on this toon or Caatic
    Reply Quote

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