In-Depth Character Development Guide Redux
There was a character development guide made, I believe by Kaz, though I'm unsure of this. There was a link to it, on the old forums, but I cannot find that link again, so I just cleared out one I used for one of my characters, and posted it to the forums. You can find it here:
Edit: Tried to make it a link, but I can't figure out how to. Apologies for that, you can always copy and paste it into a new tab :)
Edit: Tried to make it a link, but I can't figure out how to. Apologies for that, you can always copy and paste it into a new tab :)
Edited by Nelgrim on 12/22/2010 6:57 AM PST
Haha it's always interesting to see this thing come back from the depths every few weeks.
As there is now a stickey button, not so subtle necro.
11/08/2010 9:14 AMPosted by Eclìpse3. Claiming you're the best at something. The best shot, the best spellcaster, the toughest melee fighter, the best swordsman, the oldest, the wisest, etc. You can be very very good at something, but to be flawless at it hints at Mary-Sueism.
Some people are just that arrogant and full of themselves. Use self-proclaimed best <whatever> maybe? You could always trying kicking them off their high horse IC too.
Everything else is great.
Edited by Rosalira on 1/29/2011 8:21 PM PST
I'm pretty unlearned in WOW. Would appreciate an explanation about how I might make the following character: a sort of Eastern monk, who is a highly agile melee / bow fighter, who fights unarmed (or maybe uses a staff and bow) and wears only light armor (mostly cloth). Am not sure how to pull this off.
I've tried doing this guy a few times, but have taken an amazing number of negative comments from all sorts of players. People get mad at me, in random dungeons, for not being geared they way they think I should be.
thanks for all comments!
I've tried doing this guy a few times, but have taken an amazing number of negative comments from all sorts of players. People get mad at me, in random dungeons, for not being geared they way they think I should be.
thanks for all comments!
I'm pretty unlearned in WOW. Would appreciate an explanation about how I might make the following character: a sort of Eastern monk, who is a highly agile melee / bow fighter, who fights unarmed (or maybe uses a staff and bow) and wears only light armor (mostly cloth). Am not sure how to pull this off.
I've tried doing this guy a few times, but have taken an amazing number of negative comments from all sorts of players. People get mad at me, in random dungeons, for not being geared they way they think I should be.
thanks for all comments!
Well, I would start out with a hunter, because they are the only class that is any good with a bow. Then you would need to think of a pet that meshed well with your character. I would suggest a bird of prey for a wise aloof type, but go with what suits you best. It is possible to level a hunter while keeping their pet hidden, but it is very slow and frustrating, so I don't recomend that. Likewise cloth armour could work, but leather would make your Eastern monk's life alot easier.
I have actualy done something similar with my hunter. I decided when I first created her, that she would not know how to fight with a sword. I am trying to level her as far as possible, using nothing but polearms. If this becomes impossible, I plan to have her fight with an ax, but she will still carry her old staff when she travels, back to the city.
As for random dungeons, you can basicaly forget about doing them IC. I always carry a sword and a set of combat armour around with this character. When I go into my daily dungeon, it's off with the staff and the matching role play armour, on with the sword and the good hit rating gear. It can be annoying when you need to lug a whole spare set of gear around, but it is the only feasable way for a RPer to do random dungeons. If you wish to RP in cloth you might even need three sets, one that captures your ideal RPing look (for use in town and traveling), one that is a bit more practical but still in character (for use while leveling or if you want to do a dungeon with other RPers), and finaly a nice set of hunter gear with good stats (for doing those random dailies).
Whew! I just realized that this has gotten very long. I hope that some of the suggestions will turn out to be usefull. Good luck with your Monk!
Surprised I never noticed this thread before it was just now necro'd. The original in the old forums is the guide I went by when I first started roleplaying on these forums almost one year ago. Good guide.
Nice addition. I will keep that in mind.
Even if you give something flaws, if you only focus on their strengths they seem pretty perfect, don't they? Keep that in mind.
Nice addition. I will keep that in mind.
Very good guide.
Quick question, could a warrior fit a demon hunter well? I know they seem to be more rogue oriented, but they also seem warrior like, in WC3 they were great at "tanking" multiple mobs...
Also would a demon hunter that wears normal armor then usual be fine as well?
Quick question, could a warrior fit a demon hunter well? I know they seem to be more rogue oriented, but they also seem warrior like, in WC3 they were great at "tanking" multiple mobs...
Also would a demon hunter that wears normal armor then usual be fine as well?
I've just recently began to seriously think about Mordacay in the in-depth RP sense, and I'd like some feedback on a few pieces of his backstory.
First of all, he clashes with your personality guide. The first point is a deeply negative and reclusive attitude, bordering on what you might call being socially retarded. (If you've ever seen the show Doc Martin, there you go). This is due, by and large, to the death of his beloved brother, who was his last real tie to human contact. His brother was resurrected as a Death Knight, who I also roleplay, but Mord has never gotten past this, even after his brother's joining the Ebon Blade and being granted citizenship, hence the reason he became a Paladin. To stop at nothing to destroy the Scourge that nearly took his only family forever.
That's about all I have. Good? Bad? Meh? Mary-sue?
First of all, he clashes with your personality guide. The first point is a deeply negative and reclusive attitude, bordering on what you might call being socially retarded. (If you've ever seen the show Doc Martin, there you go). This is due, by and large, to the death of his beloved brother, who was his last real tie to human contact. His brother was resurrected as a Death Knight, who I also roleplay, but Mord has never gotten past this, even after his brother's joining the Ebon Blade and being granted citizenship, hence the reason he became a Paladin. To stop at nothing to destroy the Scourge that nearly took his only family forever.
That's about all I have. Good? Bad? Meh? Mary-sue?
Wow, reading over my earlier post, it seems incredibly stupid. So yeah, I agree it might be feasible to scrap some of that, but I think I'll hold onto the lack of sociality. I've recently diagnosed Mord with what I call "Selective Asperger's", which is not real in any sense, but I'm a rather good authority on Autism and Asperger's, so I think I ought to be able to make it believable. The "Selective" part works towards, for lack of a better word, "life partners". Close friends, family, or perhaps a lover can find Mordacay as... Rudely charming? Rather than the crippling douchebaggery that comes across in most of his conversation without him meaning for it to.
Hey, maybe I'll forget all this and make him a casanova, but I figure brainstorming can only help.
Hey, maybe I'll forget all this and make him a casanova, but I figure brainstorming can only help.
2. Advanced Races and Classes: Creative Freedom
The Highborne: Night elven practitioners of the arcane energies of the Well of Eternity and progenitors of the High Elf race. These Kaldorian spellcasters were the favored of Azshara about ten thousand years ago before the War of the Ancients and the Sundering. Afterwards, Dath'remar Sunstrider and his followers broke from the remaining night elves and created a new fount of magic with stolen waters from the Well: they created the Sunwell. Forsaking the nocturnal traditions and moon worship of the Kaldorei, the Highborne embraced the sun. Examples of this sub-culture would be the Shen'drelar and various inhabitants of Eldre'thalas (Dire Maul). Roleplaying a Highborne would mean distrust or sometimes even blatant hostility from the main night elven society, though plausibly you'd be friendly with the high elves. This particular sect will be playable come Cataclysm, so look for more info soon.
Correction on that the Highborne did not "break" from Night Elf society. They were given exile after Malfurion commutted the death sentence they had earned after an abortive scheme to force the acceptance of arcane magic by unleashing a magical plague upon Ashenvale. It was at that point that the Druids placed the mists around Kalimdor hiding it from the rest of the world, so that the Highborne could not return. Those Highborne were the ancestors of the Blood Elves. The Highborne of Dire Maul became isolated after the Sundering and eventually the Prince started draining his fellows to feed both his needs and the faltering wards holding thier pet demon. If the Kaldorei had been aware of what was going on at Eldre'thelas back then, they probably would have taken some severe steps.
Edited by Drahliana on 4/12/2011 7:14 AM PDT
While some of the lore given here is, as has been pointed out, a teeny bit off (although nothing major, I would say) what you've posted is an excellent guide for people looking to start roleplaying! I know creating your character before you've even been in an RP situation is intimidating and can be hard work so I think a lot of people will find this helpful!
Thank you so much for this guide! I was just wondering where I could get an opinion (or more) on my character.
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