[A] Ironforge Brewing Company is Recruiting!

90 Dwarf Death Knight
Looking to raid with a laid back group? Ironforge Brewing company is currently recruiting a tank, healer and a couple of DPS for our 10 man progression runs. Want to raid but not looking for a guild? Well coming up is our Friday Flex Funtime. We raid at 6 server on Tues/Thurs and 6 on Friday. If you have any questions feel free to post here and if you are interested shoot a tell to Gaviel or Rankalee. We are looking to fill out our core group as well as set up some backups.
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100 Gnome Mage
Yes! Amazing group of people, I love being a part of them. It's great because it isn't a hardcore raiding guild so you don't need to worry about getting yelled for messing up. We just pick ourselves up and try again. Failing does lead to learning how to improve.
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