Some people starve. Others are shot, or stabbed, or die from disease, or pass away quietly in their sleep.
But in the end, both the middle-class American suburbanite and the Dark Ages pauper die. It doesn't matter how, or when, but they die regardless of what happened in their lives.
To quote:
To argue that the Night Elves somehow deserve immortality is like saying that all Night Elves deserve to be Gods.
Well, a couple problems with your point. First of all, quoting the catchphrases of an egotistical grim reaper with a goofy flanging voice does not make you right.
Secondly, immortal or not, the night elves WILL ultimately die, whether by accident, violence, the eventual supernova of Azeroth's star, or even the heat death of the universe, they're not LITERALLY immortal, they just don't age. So comparing them to Gods is asinine. Whether or not Draenei are technically immortal, which they appear to be but Blizzard has not conclusively answered, there are examples of their race far older than any living night elf, yet I would hardly liken the level 15 quest giver in bloodmyst to a God, even though he's so old he can remember Argus and still shows no signs of aging.
And moreover, I've said before that deserving has little to do with it, I simply see no inherent wrong in their seeking it simply because the pursuit is selfish, so long as they don't start harming others in the effort, and am baffled by the apparent OFFENSE you seem to take at the fact that they want it.
Lastly, I think when you talk about a sense of the night elves feeling like they "deserve" immortality or have a "right" to it, you are conflating the attitudes of the actual night elves with the attitudes and desires of their fans. When night elf players and fans talk about deserving their immortality back, as far as I can tell, few are actually speaking "in character" for the night elves as a race. Most, rather, are addressing the idea of deserving it from a NARRATIVE perspective, a completely different issue. The idea of blizzard owing immortality to night elf players rather than the world of Azeroth owing it to the night elves themselves more stems from a sense of story progression and closure. Remember my first post about all the different selfish things the various races wanted? Well, a lot of them GOT those things. The dwarves learned their origins. The draenei fixed their spaceship. The trolls took back the echo isles, the blood elves got their sunwell back, BETTER than it was before. Yet immortality has been set up since vanilla as a carrot for the night elves to chase, only to be denied it time and again by blizzard, to the point that even when things happen that logically SHOULD restore it, it is arbitrarily refused, and players never even are given a sense that the night elves are making measurable progress towards restoring it. Rather, Blizzard seems to go in the opposite direction, ignoring the night elves natural long lifespans in recent materials and aging them at a pace that would seem exaggerated even for humans. This, of course, leaves fans of the race feeling shafted as they watch other races reach their goals and progress their stories while they are forever condemned by Blizzard to chase the unattainable, creating a sense of entitlement to a satisfying conclusion to their story arc, and for many people, the only conclusion they COULD find satisfying, is to finally catch the carrot they've been chasing all this time.