[H] Flex Raid Group Forming

90 Blood Elf Warrior
Thanks to everyone that attended this past Sunday. Even though we had a late start with getting everyone setup it went really well. We will continue to progress this coming Sunday (9/22) :D

The group we had is looking like it will continue on week to week for the most part. However if anyone is still interested please contact Daramir (everreal15#1754 if off server) or Leanadra in game with a whisper or mail. We will do our best to find a spot, each week it is likely someone may not be able to make it for some reason or another so its nice to others express interest as well.

Info and Astmosphere:

This is not an elitist run group or a SUPER HARDCORE one. This is Flex raiding so we will do our best to kill bosses, get some loot, and have a fun time while doing it. If you are one that tends to rage after wipes and yell at others for every mistake made then this is not the setting for you. Mistakes will be made, players will learn the fights as we progress and we will have a blast doing it.

Thankfully flex raiding allows for a FLEXIBLE amount of players so I will do my best to get everyone in that wants to join our group.

Things to keep in mind if you want to join up:

    Positive attitude
    Willingness to learn
    Reasonably geared - I wont post a necessary gear score because gear does not always equal a players capability.

If you are interested in joining up please post in this thread below, send in game mail or whisper to Daramir [H] or Leanadra [H] If you are on another server please contact me with my battletag everreal15#1754
Edited by Daramir on 9/16/2013 4:36 PM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
That time is good for me and I would like to sign up.
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Whoah, that time is good for me too, of all things. Will send you /msg in game tonight.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I should be getting some better gear with TI, so I would love to join you and Sunday nights are fine with me.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Sounds good Viragona. Let me know where you are at with your gear by Sunday and we will see if your up for it. The new island drops so much get so you should ramp up pretty quick.
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Interested in flex raids, but that's right in the middle of the Royal Library RP events. Let me know if you end up with an evening that's not Sunday!
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh yeah, I like those events too. Could we make it Saturday instead? I am wide open all day.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Sorry We have quite a few that are set for Sundays at the moment. So I think it will be staying as is for now.
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No rage eh?

I'll have to take a valium before the raid then.

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90 Pandaren Warrior
Just to clarify.

Daramir is an -excellent- raid leader, so anyone signing on to this is guaranteed a good time.

Finnaeus acts like he's friendly and suave and cool, and for the most part he's a very forgiving and tranquil guy. But raid night comes and Mr Hyde over here starts punting boxfulls of baby rabbits.

Either way, I'm excited to see this work out. Is there any feedback on being able to pull people from virtual realms? Expand the pool, as it were?
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I will join your raid group if I may. Working today on getting more gear. I do hope you will let us get through the Royal Library's salon. Can I get you to maybe push the raid time to 7? I hate to rush from one event to another.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Sorry Vira we have the group set for this week at 9 server :(
Edited by Daramir on 9/14/2013 5:34 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I would like to be there, I have yet to upgrade all my timeless gear, and still lack a better weapon. But running a bit short of gold. Have been trying to level up my enchanting and tailoring. I might tag along to watch you all, but if you are not too critical of my efforts you can watch me die a lot.

At least I put gems in and got some low level enchants. I am an rper, so spending a lot of gold means I have to be doing something to actually earn it. We shall see how it goes.

Are there vids of the fights out yet?
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I am unable to do it this week. I need a bit more gear and a decent weapon. Nothing like that dropping on Timeless Isles. Also want to level my enchanting up.
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09/13/2013 09:58 AMPosted by Liore
Finnaeus acts like he's friendly and suave and cool, and for the most part he's a very forgiving and tranquil guy. But raid night comes and Mr Hyde over here starts punting boxfulls of baby rabbits.

Look, I get it. The rabbit budget is pretty high, and it doesn't exactly help our image.

But scripted encounters with computer driven monsters, for some reason, just lights my rage fire. And if punting those cute, fluffy, innocent little baby bunnies helps me from murderfacing my computer. Well. I think the choice is clear.

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90 Blood Elf Warrior
SO MUCH RAGE SIR FINN. Dont scare them away before then get in the group. :D

Thanks to everyone for attending last night. It was a great time, we made some good progress and we will continue on next week.

And dont worry about it Vira, hopefully you get some good drops soon. Keep me posted either here or in game and we will get you in with us. :D
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