So When Does Regime Change Become Official?

A point of clarification for us roleplaying types: without revealing any spoilers (be good, all of you, in the replies to this!), Garrosh rather obviously ends up this patch as No Longer the Warchief.

When exactly does that happen? World-wide someone's already downed him, so the information is out there...but it hasn't happened on our server...and I think that even once it does he'll maybe still be around outside the instance?

So, in short, when do we ring the bells and shout and cheer for our carefully unnamed here new Warchief? Starting today, or not until the next patch? Or somewhere in between?
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100 Orc Warrior
The new warchief is a sham. Pretty much the most disappointing lore decision made for Horde since they decided to punt Rexxar to Outland.
Edited by Elgunaz on 9/12/2013 11:35 AM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
Maybe we should make it official when a group on CC downs him?
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100 Gnome Priest
I feel it's a little too soon for everyone to be celebrating, just yet. There are people who've been so busy with new game content they haven't even had time to get in much RP.

My two favorite options are:

1) It's official when someone on our realm defeats Garrosh

2) It's official when either the last wing of Flex or LFR gets released, and thus most of the population will be able to see the end.

I'm a little bit partial to the first option, as it allows for more spontaneity ("Wheeeen? Wheeeeen? Has it happened yet???", followed by the joy of the lucky people to be online to hear the news) and I have other reasons to hope it will not whole month to move on to the next stage of RP. Plus, I'm pretty sure everyone will be spoiled as to the identity of the Warchief before the month's out.

I've already read some people on other forums suggesting that the siege will last until 5.5. I admit that I do not have the patience to wait that long! We have no idea when 5.5 will drop.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
It would be an interesting union between the rp and non-rp members of our server, if we wait until one of our realm powerhouses take down Garrosh.

Gets my vote.
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Works for me! Of course, that means we are relying on the people who get there first sharing the information on the forums for all us noobs, when it happens :)
Edited by Arjah on 9/12/2013 1:23 PM PDT
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90 Undead Death Knight
My assumption is that the Warchief is out once his model has been removed from the Org throne room, so for me...I'd say the siege should last until 5.5, that's a little long I agree. But sieges are meant to be a long term type of warfare...and it is called the SIEGE of Orgrimmar!
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90 Gnome Priest
As this is, in my opinion, the most significant content we've seen the Shattering, I'd love for the siege to last a while. I was planning to go by the realm first, just like the world Deathwing encounters, which is exactly what I came on the forums to look for information on. I'm in Arjah's boat here: Keep us noobs informed, please!
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We could even try to run a few "siege" runs to take out garrosh. Maybe once a week so it isn't annoying. To mainly show Orgrimmar is under constant attack. May be out of the pvp game, but always up for a city fight.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Flex Raiding makes it possible at this point to put together a group nearly-instantly, and Blizzard has indicated that all achievements are gainable in Flex, which indicates to me, at least that a group can get the Realm First Feat of Strength in Flex as well as they could in a premade. This said, as far as I'm aware, no one on Cenarion Circle has yet downed Garrosh. He was only downed first in the world on Wednesday, so that isn't all that surprising; we take our time with progression.

I'd figure that after the last wing of Siege of Orgrimmar is released for LFR, you could consider it "official", since I figure at that point that he'll be down within an hour after the realms come back up.

You could do it earlier if you get a confirmed kill from a premade or Flex group on our realm.

I don't know where they're going to put the cinematic trigger once he's dead (the statue in Dalaran changed once the Lich King died on a realm, and Deathwing's jaw showed up in Stormwind and Orgrimmar after he was first downed; I seem to recall Deathwing's jaw showing up in Stormwind no more than a week after Dragon Soul went live), but if you can figure that out, it's a good place to watch so you can see if someone on the realm got him down or not.
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100 Undead Warlock
OOCly, I'd go for Realm First. ICly, if/when the NPCs in Orgrimmar show a regime change. In Doctor Wolfe's mind, not until he drops D.A.B.O.M. (Deployer (of) Aggressive Basilisks Omnomming Maliciously) on Garrosh's head. All that time helping out in Nagrand, and for what? Chaos and destruction spanning an entire continent, oppression across an entire empire, and racial tensions tighter than they've been since the First War. ... Eh, all in all, not a bad investment.
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90 Night Elf Druid
I don't know what you guys decided, but he's dead on the realm now. Ding dong the corrupt warchief is dead? o:
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Stompy bird for war secretary.
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100 Gnome Priest
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90 Gnome Priest
So he's down? Is there any marker of this anywhere, similar to the statue in the center of Dalaran, or Deathwing's armor plates? Maybe Mannoroth's armor is on a tree somewhere?
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
So are we officially RPing that Garrosh is no longer warchief? Was anything decided?
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100 Gnome Priest
I have already admitted to be very biased to the "yay, he's gone!" viewpoint, but I haven't seen any indication form others how they feel, so I'm playing it safe for the moment.
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100 Troll Shaman
I think I'd rather prefer when the last wing of LFR/Flex is opened so that there is a better chance of everyone seeing the end themselves.

After that I think it'd be safe to openly RP that he's no longer the warchief.
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90 Gnome Priest
I think I'd rather prefer when the last wing of LFR/Flex is opened so that there is a better chance of everyone seeing the end themselves.

After that I think it'd be safe to openly RP that he's no longer the warchief.

Unless I stumble into others already confirming his dethroning, I am going to do just this.

Also! Immediately after posting the above, I located this!

It looks like October 22 is the day? Not in time for the Ball, I notice...
Edited by Kixek on 10/7/2013 7:22 PM PDT
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