House of Madness Seeks Inmates! [RP Guild]

90 Blood Elf Priest
Confusion awaits...

Have you heard the whisper of madness? Do you feel troubled in the mind -- or do you feel perfectly normal, despite all the people telling you that you're insane?

We have a home for you!

<House of Madness> is Azeroth's premiere facility for the troubled of mind, and for those who wish to study them. With comfortable beds and a roof that mostly doesn't leak, our facility above the Undercity is state-of-the-art.

The art may be a little abstract, of course, but this is a madhouse! A little confusion is only natural.

Please contact Headmistress Andelia to arrange your stay at the House of Madness, or just follow one of our gibbering lunatics home. We'll take care of you once you get there.


The OOC Nitty-Gritty:

What's this? A new Horde-side RP guild?

Why yes!

<House of Madness> is a brand-new roleplaying opportunity on Cenarion Circle's Horde-side. You can find our website here:

This is a guild primarily focused on roleplaying: scheduled events, impromptu city RP, in-character appearances at server-wide events, chatter in the /hearthstone in-character channel, and more!

Any character is welcome, so long as they have a reason to hang around a madhouse. Ranks are two-tracked: we have both an "Inmates" ladder and a "Staff" ladder, with equal permissions for both.

And, of course, if you gaze too long into the abyss as a Staff member, you might just find yourself committed for a spell as an Inmate...that's the risk they take, who dabble in the mysteries of the troubled mind!

Expect to be active in the server-wide RP scene as a member of <House of Madness>. Our goal is to get out there and get involved -- in a fine, chaotic style.


Possible Characters

Thinking about playing a new guest at the House of Madness? Here are some grand old archetypes we'd love to see -- and we're looking forward to seeing what else people think up, too!

  • The Mad Scientist - Mock you, will they? You'll show them -- show them all.
  • The Tormented Zealot - Gods and demons speak to you. You're just passing the message along to everybody else.
  • The Chronic Substance Abuser - From the troll on a permanent vision quest to the eyeball-clawing blood elf in withdrawal, some people just don't know when to quit.
  • The Gibbering Lunatic - Untha ialun a suna! Suiathhag an! Aftaths'uth rantha ang guag!
  • The Good Doctor - Sit down. Tell me your troubles. Oh, the straps? Don't worry. Those are only for our bad patients. You're not going to be bad, are you?

  • Let your imagination run don't have to be crazy to join, but it probably helps!


    How to Join

    Ready to join the House of Madness?

    You can register at our forums to get active there right away, even before you've contacted us in-game. Forums, registration, and information are all available at:

    To join in-game, nearly all our members have invite power, so feel free to type "/who House of Madness" and give us a whisper. Or ask in the Hearthstone channel or find us at an event -- we love in-character contacts best of all.

    Expect a short in-character "admissions interview" type of conversation. This isn't a test you have to pass to get in or anything; it's just a way for us to get to know your character so we can get you involved from the moment you accept the invitation.

    We'll see you all soon, and remember...confusion awaits!
    Edited by Andelia on 9/29/2013 11:42 AM PDT
    Reply Quote
    86 Blood Elf Hunter
    Saw the guild name on another forum and followed it to CC. :D Would it be possible to get a quick rundown of the characters in HoM guild, their duty-wise? I'm interested in finding out what the member characters already do.))
    Reply Quote
    90 Blood Elf Priest
    Saw the guild name on another forum and followed it to CC. :D Would it be possible to get a quick rundown of the characters in HoM guild, their duty-wise? I'm interested in finding out what the member characters already do.))

    We only signed the guild charter yesterday :)

    Right now it's just Andelia, and our occasionally hissing and snarling Forsaken girl Daci, and a slightly apprehensive paladin helping to keep an eye on things and trying not to go too mad herself!

    I know a few others who are planning to join in the next few days, but as with most new RP guilds I expect it'll be small and fairly intimate for a while.
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    86 Blood Elf Hunter
    Thank you! I'll try snooping around on an alt and hope I see you guys in-game.))
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    I'm not Apprehensive! I'm just...Well, I'm just not! You just...With all the *She waves her hands around* Confusion awaits...
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    66 Blood Elf Death Knight
    Just by chance, do you think this story of Duskwither might qualify her as crazy enough to be part of your guild?

    I currently run this story on MG, but have not found many here to be a part of it. I was thinking of changing a few things and making it a story here on CC with a bit of help. Dusk is kind of stuck in limbo. Not really totally undead, but not quite all alive either. I am sure it will drive her quite mad eventually.

    I do want to find more rp opportunities. Cirque is my current guild I have most of my alts in, but willing to switch if I find good people to rp with.
    Reply Quote
    90 Blood Elf Priest
    Just by chance, do you think this story of Duskwither might qualify her as crazy enough to be part of your guild?

    I currently run this story on MG, but have not found many here to be a part of it. I was thinking of changing a few things and making it a story here on CC with a bit of help. Dusk is kind of stuck in limbo. Not really totally undead, but not quite all alive either. I am sure it will drive her quite mad eventually.

    I do want to find more rp opportunities. Cirque is my current guild I have most of my alts in, but willing to switch if I find good people to rp with.

    I should certainly think so...don't know how transferring events over from another server would work, entirely, but hey. If it's confusing and nonsensical that'll just make Andelia happier.
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    66 Blood Elf Death Knight
    Thanks Andelia, just one more question, how active are you in the guild? I mean how often do you meet up and how many are active on an everyday basis? It does me no good to change from one guild to another if there is no one in the next one to interact with.

    ai have many alts, I don't obviously play all of them at once or even each one everyday. That would be silly. But I do look for more than me checking into the game and finding just me in the guild online.
    Reply Quote
    90 Blood Elf Priest
    Well, I'm not going to lie to you -- we're brand new. The roster is less than ten people, right now. So there are definitely going to be times when only one person's logged in, at least for a little while here.

    But in my experience getting RP guilds up and running (and I've had a fair amount of it over the years), you generally get through that phase within a month or two, so long as there's three or four regularly-active characters sort of holding the show together.

    Nova and I are holding down the fort just fine so far :) And I think we can expect some new alts in the next few days -- I know some people have said they're shifting their rosters around to spot us some new characters.

    So it's not going to be all in-character chat, all the time, just yet. But that's the eventual goal, and I'm pretty confident in the group we've assembled so far.
    Reply Quote
    90 Blood Elf Priest
    The guild grows! Come add your madness...whisper any of us you catch online, or ask about us in the /HordeOOC channel if you don't see anyone on. Some of us may be on non-Hom alts.
    Reply Quote
    90 Blood Elf Priest
    Our website is up and running:

    It's brand new, and still very bare bones, but the registration and the forums are working, so join on up to share in our web-based RP!

    You do not need to have a character in the guild, or even be planning on joining the guild, to register for and use our forums. We're always happy to have guests contacting us -- gets us out in the world and interacting with others.

    The lunatics need their exercise, from time to time...
    Reply Quote
    90 Blood Elf Priest
    Plans are up for the first few events! Feel free to join in the planning or leave feedback at the guild website:

    Enjin does require registration, but it's easy -- just fill out the "Registration" tab on the website and you're good to go.

    (Plus I really need to figure out what exactly happens when someone does register, and whether I need to change the mechanics. Still figuring out this whole website thing. So...come register, and help me get past the training wheels stage! Also join in useful RP planning, fun stories, etc. etc. etc.)
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Edited by Earlydawn on 11/15/2013 12:22 PM PST
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    92 Night Elf Druid
    The druidess stares as a helpful passerby reads out the information. She thanks the man and wanders on her way past the signpost, thinking hard.

    'Az pretty sure Az not insane. So probably would not be prisoned. But am not Horde. So Madlings would fight if saw Az.'

    '... But that only happen in normal Hordehome. Az pretty sure crazy Horde is not trusted for words. If crazy Hordeling say, "Saw big cat! Cat ate Fred!", would not think was Az.'

    '... Az need look into Buffet of Madlings more. Almost good as regenerating gnome...'

    She stalked off, tail whipping. There was something tasty and deadlike in the Ghostlands tonight, she just had to find it before anything else did. And then have a nap. And then more food.


    (( I severely doubt anything would actually come of this unless I start to stalk your events... but I adore the guild premise so have a bump! ))
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    90 Blood Elf Priest
    ((There hadn't seemed to be much interest at all when we launched, to be honest. But I will make an effort to be around in-game again if people are starting to take note!))
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    90 Blood Elf Paladin
    Edited by Earlydawn on 11/15/2013 12:22 PM PST
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    90 Undead Warrior
    Headmistresssssss Andelia has been...indisposed, yessssssss.

    Inmate Daci shall run the madhouse for her until she feels better, yes yes. With much wailing and gnashing of teeth for all, sssssss.

    Join us, yessss. Confusion awaits.

    *gnashes her teeth horribly*


    ((OOC Note: This was feeling a bit...stagnant. With Daci in charge, things will hopefully be a little more lively. Consider us up, functional, and open for recruiting once again.))
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