Chaotic Intent (25A) Recruiting!

100 Human Rogue
Do you like long raids in the moonlight? Candlelit vigils held over your mangled corpse? An appreciation of Nature as it tries to tear out and eat your liver?

Do the horrified screams of your companions as they succumb to unfathomable agony give you that tiny edge, that spark, that pushes you to fight for survival at all costs?

If any of that, or all of that, or hell, even none of that sounds good to you, than how can you pass up this opportunity to raid with one of the last 25m Alliance raids that Cenarian Circle still fields outside LFR?

Visit Http://, head to our Forums for more information and fill out the application. We are considering all classes, but we have a special plot marked out for the following:

any Range class.

Earn yourself a spot if you have what it takes!

Raid Times
Tues, Thurs, Sun. 6pm-9pm Server Time (Pacific).

Contact Edrund, Arides, or Finagain in-game if you have any questions.
Edited by Metron on 9/16/2013 3:18 PM PDT
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90 Troll Shaman
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90 Human Hunter
Come on down, we need you! So far we have the first 2 down, maybe would have got another Sunday, but was short bodies so we cleared out flex instead. So if at all interested head on over to our website and fill out an app!
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