Interested in moving my warrior back to this server, for reasons other then titles, but still gonna get the titles I want. Currently hold all the top server times from xrealm 3manning them, wont have a problem getting top times after I xfer. Figured since I was gonna get them myself, would offer to sell other two slots in group for others that want specific title/s. Heres a list of the titles.(Copy paste from mmo champ ftw)
Gate of the Setting Sun <Name>, Defender of the Wall Mogu'shan Palace Mogu-Slayer <Name> Shado-Pan Monastery Purified Defender <Name> Siege of Niuzao Temple Siegebreaker <Name> Stormstout Brewery Stormbrewer <Name> Temple of the Jade Serpent Jade Protector <Name> Scholomance Darkmaster <Name> Scarlet Halls Flameweaver <Name> Scarlet Monastery Scarlet Commander <Name>
Anyway just looking to make some extra coin from my set of skills, not being stingy as im mainly doing this for my own titles on my warrior, but stupid offers of like 500g will be ignored.
Leave post of dungeon/dungeons and price for each youre interested in below, doubt there will be alot of popularity but if there is then it will go by highest bidder mindset till I xfer early next week.
Any questions feel free to add me at LtSoulbreakR#1404
- I will say, you dont have a guarantee you will have the title forever. Only guarantee is a permanent FoS(Feat of Strength). Title is yours as long as you hold server top timed clear for that dungeon with 3+ ppl in the group from that server. Looking at server times we will clear each dungeon 3-7 mins faster then anyone on server, and being as challenge modes have been out for almost a year, I dont see anyone beating the titles off very easily, especially if you pull competent dps and we get a US top 20 time.
Anyway just looking to make some extra coin from my set of skills, not being stingy as im mainly doing this for my own titles on my warrior, but stupid offers of like 500g will be ignored.
Leave post of dungeon/dungeons and price for each youre interested in below, doubt there will be alot of popularity but if there is then it will go by highest bidder mindset till I xfer early next week.
Any questions feel free to add me at LtSoulbreakR#1404
Edited by Pundarika on 9/26/2013 4:45 AM PDT