Looking for Inspiration

100 Blood Elf Priest
I use WoW for a lot of my artwork, as a graphic renderer and my next show is in June so I am looking for ideas of characters, personalites and other creative ideas to put together.

Some of my past works sold pretty well and I got a couple commissions and a project going with a comic artist. Yet, ideas can come from so many places. If anyone has suggestions I would love them.
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100 Gnome Priest
From one artist to another I can totally understand :D Thank you for asking!

I role play on my server (CCer here!) and so I've built up several characters and backgrounds. I am currently working to interweave them more in their own tales as well as involving several within our community storylines.

Right off the top of my head I can think of two such community RP stories that deal with dark themes. They would be worth a look, if for nothing else than to generate some ideas.

Sinister Beginnings http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11423782432
A dark tale unfolding in Duskwood. Lots of classic creepy themes to draw from :)

Echoes of Horrors Past http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11222602628
Another dark tale of a plague spreading through Stormwind. Maybe not the theme you're going for but there is some fine writing and character development happening on both the good and bad side of the spectrum

I also have a few stories of my own that I have posted. My style is still developing and I am finding my voice, but even so perhaps they'd come in handy in generating some ideas for you!

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11308200765 This last is basically a developing conversation between two Mages. "A meeting of great minds" being the idea.

Hope that helps some! If you' d like to discuss anything further my door is always open. I love to brainstorm. :D
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