The Return of Story-Telling Night!

100 Night Elf Druid
Which is nowhere near exciting as the Return of the King, but there really aren't many things that are, when I think of it!

We’re pleased to announce the return of Story-Telling Night, an event hosted by Underground Covenant that provides an opportunity for pleasing companionship, stories of intrigue, romance and adventure, as well as delicious snacks and refreshments!

It will be held on Thursday at 8:00 server time at the Warrior’s Terrace in Darnassus and hosted by Philolune, a well-intentioned but perpetually perplexed druid. (Please have patience with her- it’ll be her (and my) first time hosting anything!) If you know you’ve got a story to share, please let her/ me know so that we can call on you! You can let me know via ingame mail or by whispering me ingame. (I whisper OOC unless previously established, so please let me know if you prefer I whisper IC to you.)

All role-players, story-tellers and people interested in lore are encouraged to attend. This week’s theme will be ‘Technology: Friend, Foe or Fel-beast?” You’re also welcome to bring a story or tale of your own topic. We will be asking for future themes for future evenings, so please be keeping those in mind.

Also, if you’d be interested in future RP events, please let me know so I can put an invite list together. It’d be great if we can continue to have a revival of RP on SoE!

Thank you kindly, and have a lovely day!
Edited by Philolune on 11/5/2013 7:21 PM PST
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100 Draenei Shaman
Sorry I missed this, I hope it was successful. Any chance of it becoming a regular event?
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90 Night Elf Warrior
The Aim is to make this a regular event. Perhaps a bi weekly one if all goes well. Tomorrow will be the first one, Hope to see you all there.
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87 Night Elf Druid
Oh gosh! Depending on how tomorrow goes for me at work, I might just be able to make it. :O
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100 Night Elf Druid
It was originally scheduled to start last week, but it sounds like this week might be the official starting date! It would be wonderful if you're able to come! (And if not, it'd be great to hope to see you in the future!)
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90 Human Warrior
Was fun.
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90 Night Elf Warrior
The turn out was better than I thought given the lapse in activity, so it was nice to see some old faces and some new ones. Man is my RP rusty! I will add those interested to my calender for an invite/reminder. Just leave a note here and I'll add you. Thanks for hanging in there SOE!
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100 Night Elf Druid
It was a really good turn-out! Thanks to everyone who attended- I loved the tales that you shared! Looking forward to the next one!
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100 Night Elf Druid
We'll be having another gathering this evening at 8 Server time. As usual, it'll be at the Warrior’s Terrace in Darnassus. We hope to see you there and that you might have story,song or fond reminiscence to share with us!
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100 Night Elf Druid
Please do us the honor of joining us at Darnassus' Warrior's Terrace this Thursday the 19th at the usual time of 8pm! Bring a tale, a song or joke, if you'd like, or simply bring yourself!
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100 Night Elf Druid
Our next gathering will be tomorrow (1/2/2014) at 8, server time. Please whisper or ingame-mail me if you'd like a formal invitation. Help us ring in the new year with the pleasure of your company!
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Thanks for doing a great Job hosting this Philo! Looks like we're gonna have a good turn out on the 2nd. Hope to see you all there!!
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100 Night Elf Druid
*checks calendar* Time just keeps rolling on, and has brought us to another Story-Telling night! Please join us this evening at 8, server time, for another lovely evening with good company and plenty of RPing opportunity!
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100 Goblin Warlock
I would show but you all talk funny in that [common] tongue of yours :-/
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100 Night Elf Druid
If only we could speak proper Orcish! *would love to have a Goblin join us*

Our next event will be held tomorrow, in Darnassus by the training dummies (please excuse my blank stare and try not to mistake me for one!), at 8:30. Please let me know if anyone would like a ride there! ((And anyone looking to start RPing, please feel free to join us! We're inclusive to people just starting out on their RP journey as well as more experienced persons!))
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Thanks for a wonderful turn out, See you guys in a couple of weeks! If you want to be added to the invite list let myself or Philo know.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Hi, all! We'll be switching it up a little starting this evening. Tonight's Story-Telling Event will be held under the large pavilion, just north of the bank in Darnassus and south of the Cenarion Enclave. There's a little bridge area that we hope will be inviting to all! Please join us at 8:30, and let Viloche or I know if you'd like to be added to the invitation list. (I promise not to spam you with 'Join DEHTA and, together, we can collect ears!' messages!)
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100 Night Elf Druid
After a couple of weeks, the (fairly restrained by WoW standards) shenanigans continue this evening! We'll be gathering again at the small pavilion north of the bank in Darnassus at 8:30, server-time. If you have anything to share, such as character gossip, stories or bad puns, please bring it and join us!
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100 Night Elf Druid
That night has come again! Please join us around 8:30, server-time, at the small pavilion north of the Darnassus bank!
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100 Goblin Warlock
((My Alli char on CC might try to swing by for this. So it's Thursday at 8:30 SoE time right?))
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