Peekaboo, I see you.

100 Blood Elf Priest
I am poking around SoE and WrA to find an RP home. I raid on Moon Guard, so I'm not really looking for a server that only has raiding to offer me. I played on SoE years ago, and left when it died out after the Wrath of the Righteous/Lazarrk fiasco. I've also tried both WrA and MG, and the immersion is severely lacking.

So, I ask you, SoE--are things still dead as a doornail, or is this a server worth making a toon on?
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100 Night Elf Druid
Sorry for the late reply- my apologies!

Although I'd love to tell you otherwise because it might bring an RPer to our realm, things have been very quiet, RP-wise. Some veteran RPers are attempting to bring life back through a slow reintroduction of events. (One of which, Story- Telling Night, will be held this Thursday at 8, server time, at the Warrior's Terrace in Darnassus.) That being said, it'd be great to have another RPer among us, since that will help us to grow again!

Good luck in your travels, whichever realm you choose!
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