Welcome To Feathermoon (Updated 6/12/12)


80 Draenei Shaman
Daish or any veriation has and will be /ignored on frostmourne

as for RP I think it would be cool I might try it. I am tired of all the qq in trade anyway. Keep in mind we spacegoats like our steakes medium rare!
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85 Night Elf Druid
This was enjoyable to read, thanks for posting it. :)
I personally have rolled a few alts on Feathermoon and enjoy the server. If I drop a comment that I've been rping on Feathermoon to any guilds on a few of my servers, they all applaud Feathermoon at it's great community and roleplaying.
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Do we all seriously play on the same server?
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75 Blood Elf Death Knight
Is this a real realm? If so, i look forward to playing on a realm that isnt like moonguard's goldshire after dark :O
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87 Tauren Hunter

We have our bad elements. Every server does.

However, the way that I've described the realm here...that's the experiences that I've had for the most part.

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(( I can attest that this is a wonderful server with wonderful people! ))
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48 Draenei Shaman
FM ftw
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100 Night Elf Priest
Great thread! I'm glad it is here on the new forums!
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(( When I was looking to transfer to this server in early 2007, this thread was pretty much what sealed the deal for me. Glad to see it here on these new forums. ))
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9 Blood Elf Paladin
(( I feel obligated to poke my nose in here as a Feathermoon newbie. :3
Right now I'm just nosing around but I would love to get involved in some RP ))
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87 Tauren Hunter

We're always glad for fresh mea-err...new blood on the server to stir up excitement.

Several people here in the thread have already offered their services to aid newer players to the server. Also, if you're new to roleplay, I recommend an addon such as FlagRSP, MyRoleplay, TRP2, etc to help you read profiles and find other players.

Personally I use both FlagRSP and TRP2, since TRP2 has lots of fun features, but isn't always compatible with other types, while FlagRSP is pretty well universal.

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((I use FlagRSP. Feel free to approach me in Orgrimmar, since that is where I spend most of my downtime.

Also kinda scared at the idea of Tufak taking over Gunny's role of eater of sentient beings.))
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9 Blood Elf Paladin
(( Fresh meat! New Blood! Yay!

... Wait ...

What?! D:

FlagRSP is an all time favorite of mine when I do get into RPing on Wyrmrest Accord so I'm familiar with that one. Lately I've found myself tinkering with TRP2 and so far it looks fun~

And I shall remember to hit people up once this girlie's up to a travel worthy level. ^.^ ))
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87 Tauren Hunter
((Also kinda scared at the idea of Tufak taking over Gunny's role of eater of sentient beings.))


Nah. He's a vegetarian.

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71 Dwarf Mage
(( So are there any major RP guilds (Alliance side) that I should be looking out for as a new player to Feathermoon? I see a few ads on the forums for some guilds, but are there any out there who are just massive enough that they don't need to throw their name around on the forums?

Oh, yeah. Additionally, any guilds that don't mind when I throw around an f-bomb or two in OOC? I am, at times, a little abrasive in my OOC interactions, so guilds that would mind that sort of thing wouldn't be the best fit. ))
Edited by Brainbeard on 12/27/2010 12:58 PM PST
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6 Dwarf Shaman
I feel like I picked the right realm, (Very new to this game)

I started playing as this dwarf, but Tauren are alot more fun and I enjoy their lore, so I chose tauren also because I had a cool rp story for a tauren shaman.

By the way, shamans are awesome, I'm still trying to decide between enh and ele, and I look forward to getting to know the people on this realm, and my guys name is Springtotem if your wondering (although you probably aren't)
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87 Tauren Hunter

Welcome to you both.

Sorry it took me so long to respond, Brain, and I hope that you've found the proper guild for you.

And tauren are awesome, Laerzbo.

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85 Draenei Priest

((Just made a character, looking forward to doing some role play))
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((I would just like to say I'm very glad to see this thread.

Though Wyrmrest Accord has been my home for many years, I no longer have any empty slots to roll alts. So I've loaded up my mage with all my heirlooms and have been looking for a place to send him.

I think I found it! ))
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87 Tauren Hunter

We're always glad to have new members join the realm.

I hope that you find good roleplay, good friends and good fun in short order.

Welcome to our home.

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