Full Name: Skrail Levirol (formerly Skrail Skrewball)
Housename: None
Nickname: None
Titles: Leather Ball Salesman
Age: Fairly young-ish, but an adult.
Race: Goblin
Class*: Rogue
Physical Description**: Average Goblin height/weight, physically fit. Red eyes, short ears, greenish-yellow skin. Can often be found in Bloodfang gear w/ a pair of red goggles.
Personality Description**: Level-headed, unafraid to use "big" words should the opportunity present itself. Will never miss an opportunity to peddle his line of Heavy Leather Balls.
Brief History***: Was a bartender back in Kezan, but an inventor at heart. Eventually discovered that the use of Spider's Silk in the interior of a Leather Ball made it more bouncy and fun to play with. When the Cataclysm hit and all the Goblins were forced to evacuate, he decided to sell his invention to make a living. He will occasionally bartend should the time come.
Height: 2'11''
Weight: 66 lbs
Marital Status: Single and searching.
Roleplaying Style: Casual, storyteller.
Character Status†: IC or OOC when the time comes for it. It'll usually be obvious. Will try to use brackets when not RPing in /s or /y. Mileage may vary. :P
Guild: Order of Absolution
Favorite RP spot: That's a tough one, but probably Orgrimmar or Azshara (Bilgewater Harbor / Gallywix's Pleasure Palace, to be precise).
IC-Strength: Level-headed, decent fighter.
IC-Weakness: Short. Engineering gadgets don't always work. Can get cocky sometimes.
OOC-Strength: I'm rather good at improvising stories and reactions on the spot. Just about everything about my characters was thought of as a spur-of-the-moment thing while RPing with someone else. Also, I'm a good typer if I do say so myself. (which will probably entice someone to proofread my post and pinpoint every typo...) :P
OOC-Weakness: A good typer, but a slow one. I'm also not that good at imitating accents should it be called for (for example, on my Troll Lock).
Leveling speed: Fast when I wanna be. Slow when I'm procrastinating.
PvP? Not so much now as before. But I've been slowly getting back into it.
Schedule: Varys. But I'm around a -lot-. I should really get a life one of these days. :P
Full Name: Skrail Levirol (formerly Skrail Skrewball)
Housename: None
Nickname: None
Titles: Leather Ball Salesman
Age: Fairly young-ish, but an adult.
Race: Goblin
Class*: Rogue
Physical Description**: Average Goblin height/weight, physically fit. Red eyes, short ears, greenish-yellow skin. Can often be found in Bloodfang gear w/ a pair of red goggles.
Personality Description**: Level-headed, unafraid to use "big" words should the opportunity present itself. Will never miss an opportunity to peddle his line of Heavy Leather Balls.
Brief History***: Was a bartender back in Kezan, but an inventor at heart. Eventually discovered that the use of Spider's Silk in the interior of a Leather Ball made it more bouncy and fun to play with. When the Cataclysm hit and all the Goblins were forced to evacuate, he decided to sell his invention to make a living. He will occasionally bartend should the time come.
Height: 2'11''
Weight: 66 lbs
Marital Status: Single and searching.
Roleplaying Style: Casual, storyteller.
Character Status†: IC or OOC when the time comes for it. It'll usually be obvious. Will try to use brackets when not RPing in /s or /y. Mileage may vary. :P
Guild: Order of Absolution
Favorite RP spot: That's a tough one, but probably Orgrimmar or Azshara (Bilgewater Harbor / Gallywix's Pleasure Palace, to be precise).
IC-Strength: Level-headed, decent fighter.
IC-Weakness: Short. Engineering gadgets don't always work. Can get cocky sometimes.
OOC-Strength: I'm rather good at improvising stories and reactions on the spot. Just about everything about my characters was thought of as a spur-of-the-moment thing while RPing with someone else. Also, I'm a good typer if I do say so myself. (which will probably entice someone to proofread my post and pinpoint every typo...) :P
OOC-Weakness: A good typer, but a slow one. I'm also not that good at imitating accents should it be called for (for example, on my Troll Lock).
Leveling speed: Fast when I wanna be. Slow when I'm procrastinating.
PvP? Not so much now as before. But I've been slowly getting back into it.
Schedule: Varys. But I'm around a -lot-. I should really get a life one of these days. :P