*** SoE Cataclysm Raid Progression Thread ***


90 Troll Druid
Easy fight, but Cry of Luna has Argaloth down in Baradin Hold. We just started serious raiding in BWD, and Omnatron spent the night kicking our butts.
85 Dwarf Shaman
Latro Fremo also has Argaloth down. Srz biz.
85 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks Kali :)

I had a visit from splinter cell and they gave me these sexy goggles..

Grats to everyone progressing.../jealous
85 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Dendron on 12/24/2010 9:33 PM PST
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Apples is 8/12, Argalot dead as well.

Chimaeron, Atramedes, Maloriak, Magmaw, Omnotron, Conclave, Halfus and Valiona & Theralion down.

0.5% wipes on Ascendant ftw.
Edited by Christel on 12/24/2010 2:53 PM PST
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated! Grats on the new kills!

Happy Holidays everyone =]
Edited by Kalico on 12/24/2010 11:37 PM PST
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Apples downs Ascendant Council
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Al'Akir down.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Cho'gall down.
Edited by Christel on 12/31/2010 1:24 AM PST
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated. Grats on getting the fattie down Apples!

Also grats to the second Riddle group for Conclave!
85 Night Elf Hunter
Bads has downed Magmaw, Omnotron, Conclave, Halfus, and Valiona/Theralion

and of course Argolath..herpderp
Edited by Darkmangge on 1/4/2011 1:33 PM PST
90 Troll Druid
Grats to all the other guilds getting stuff down! We're moving a bit slower, but still very proud of our group. We have Halfus Wyrmbreaker down.
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated. Grats to everyone on the new kills, keep them coming!

*shameless plug* Keep the sticky reports coming in also so we don't have to dig through threads to find this one.
90 Troll Druid
Grats to CoL for our second kill, Magmaw.
90 Troll Druid
CoL got our third boss, Val & Thera (Twin Dragons) tonight.
Edited by Faeylin on 1/14/2011 12:03 AM PST
90 Troll Druid
CoL knocked down our fourth boss, Omnitron, tonight.
85 Goblin Death Knight
Nef down
^ 12/12
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Woops, totally thought yesterday was Monday ^^;

Updated, as always keep the kills coming =]
85 Dwarf Warrior
Council of Dragons has been lazy about keeping the community up to date on our doings, my apologies for that.

We're at 5/6 in Blackwing Descent(all but Nef), Halfus Wyrmbreaker, Valonia and Theralion in Bastion, and Conclave of Wind in Throne. All of these are 10's kills.

We've also downed the golems, magmaw, and Halfus on 25.

Argoloth dead as well, if that's worth mentioning.
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