*** SoE Cataclysm Raid Progression Thread ***


90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hey everyone!

This is the new progression thread for Cataclysm raids for our server.

Link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnjuMAJCC_9hdEhUX3RjYU55NUdkbVhYend2WEhHRHc&hl=en

Last Updated: Jan. 19
Post: #39

First Page
List of raids along with the acronyms used for each boss.

Second Page
Actual progression list, [x] will indicate that a guild has downed the boss.

Remember to always indicate the guild name when posting what boss(es) were downed, just in case these forums take a bit to update like the old ones.

As always, suggestion, kudos or flames are more than welcomed~!

*Updated every Thursday or sooner.

WotLK can be found here, it won't be updated:

Edited by Kalico on 1/19/2011 5:36 AM PST
85 Night Elf Rogue
Those spreadsheets are private and unviewable.
90 Blood Elf Paladin
That's odd, everyone with link wasn't working.

Try again Ixi, should be working just fine now.
85 Night Elf Rogue
There it goes. Working fine now.
85 Draenei Shaman
The Cata one is working for me, but the URL for the WotLK is the same as the one you posted for Cata.
80 Human Warlock
Although a little late to post in the old forums I'd like to extend a huge grats to Apples for HLK25.

Great to see an SoE guild get it down before Cata!

81 Human Mage
Are the spreadsheets for Cata incomplete or did it just not load for me?

(nit picking) It's blackwing Descent, and are we going to keep track of Baradin Hold? It's essentially the new VoA and the bosses are really easy.
80 Undead Death Knight
Elementium Cactus has cleared ICC on 10 man.
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Are the spreadsheets for Cata incomplete or did it just not load for me?

(nit picking) It's blackwing Descent, and are we going to keep track of Baradin Hold? It's essentially the new VoA and the bosses are really easy.

For now they just have the name of the raids =]
81 Human Mage
Are the spreadsheets for Cata incomplete or did it just not load for me?

(nit picking) It's blackwing Descent, and are we going to keep track of Baradin Hold? It's essentially the new VoA and the bosses are really easy.

For now they just have the name of the raids =]

Alrighty, I can give you the names of the bosses and the order they appear in within the raids if you'd like.
80 Human Warlock
<Bads> is now 10/12 H25 after downing heroic Putricide/BPC the other night.
85 Blood Elf Warlock
<Unbroken> as of two weeks ago, Has finally put an end to the lich king on 10 man normal.
86 Tauren Druid
Just before the world blows up, <Almost Motivated> defeats LK on 10-man heroic. Good times.
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Cataclysm is almost here guys!

As a reminder if you want to see this thread stickied go ahead and click the thumbs down >> report >> other and state why you want to see it as a sticky. Another option is to send an e-mail with the petition over to wowreportedpost@blizzard.com.

Best of luck to everyone! Hope to see everyone downing the new bosses soon!
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated to reflect DTE's and Apple's kills. Grats guys!
Question for you, Kali:

Is the sheet for 10-man, 25-man, or a mix of the two?
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Considering both drop the same loot and that Blizzard has sworn difficulty is the same for both sizes (which I'll believe once I experience it myself x3) they've both been put in the same list. If the community wants it to be separated I'll split them into two.
I would say that it's just the same as in Wrath to be honest -- unless they've significantly changed things since beta and from what we've done thus far, they haven't.

Fights with tight enrage timers or multiple adds are slightly more difficult in 10 man -- no real option to bring in a 3rd tank, usually you end up with less debuffs and buffs, fights which penalize melee or ranged have a much larger impact.

Fights that require high amounts of coordination are much more difficult in 25 man. Think of fights such as LK. With 25 people, it's harder to avoid Defile and you have more people that can screw up; and one person screwing up means a wipe.

Some fights are just going to be harder in 10 man, some harder in 25. Magmaw, for example, is harder with 25 because no one can screw up pillars or parasites or you will wipe at this point. Then again, the fight is ridiculously ranged biased, so if you run a split or melee heavy 10 man, you're screwed.

Oh yeah, Magmaw's dead by the way. >.>
85 Blood Elf Paladin
Up Up! So this isn't lost and forgotten..
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Riddle downed Halfus Wyrmbreaker.

Nice goggles there Gil.
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