So lets start off with with a Lore Discussion

85 Blood Elf Warlock
Alright, well here is a question posed to all of you.

So, I have recently been reading Rise of the Horde by Christie Golden, And in it it describes the conversation between Orgrim Doomhammer and Velen. Now in the book Velen tells Ogrim that the weapon he will once be able to weild will not only be the destruction of the Orcs but also its Salvation in the hand of someone not of the blackrock clan.

So, my question is. If Velen knew of the Orcs and what they would become, then why not warn his people of the impending doom? Also he being the prophet must known about Thrall at some point, Since Durotan was there.
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85 Draenei Shaman
That's the thing about prophets, they don't know everything about the future. They only have visions about certain things, or at certain times, they can't forsee everything in the future.

Also there is the whole Catch 22 about having a vision of the future, namely if you've seen it then it is going to happen and generally everything you do to stop it only causes it to happen. You know a self-fufiling prophecy.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
But wouldn't it have been better for Velen to at least attempt to stop it to save his people and the relationship with the docile orcs. Rather than let hundreds of women and children become lambs to the slaughter via the orcs bloodrage?
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85 Draenei Shaman
That's only assuming he knew. You can't know everything even if you are a prophet.
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80 Undead Death Knight
Okay, while I actually agree with Laerith here (Velen wasn't quite sure), there's a thing about prophecy, incredibly intelligent individuals, and snarky manipulative jerks. This could all be explained as part of a ludicrously circuitous plan.

The orcs kill Draenei like there's no tomorrow. It is one of the biggest regrets of Saurfang, who routinely hunts down alliance orphans to 'finish the job' armed only with his favorite axe, and a shark hat. Most of the elder orcs lament what they had become under the weight of demonic bloodlust, and that they should have known what was happening to them when they began slaughtering the Draenei.

Unfortunately, they didn't realize it. Thrall picks up the gigantic Doomhammer and proceeds to literally save the orcs by moving them away from Azeroth and towards Kalimdor, where they proceed to save the world (unless you're me, in which case the Alliance saved the world by being a crucial distraction from my genius plan of 'zerg rushing the scourge base so they can't send Archimonde in to blow your ass up' and the horde then had tea with the elves).

The world is saved, but now deep within the heart of its greatest warrior (Saurfang), the Horde has something it hasn't dealt with before- regret and atonement. By seeing how monstrous they'd become, they accept the Forsaken (who pretend to want to atone) and the Blood Elves into their fold.

By accepting the Blood Elves, they have methods of getting into both Shattrath (with the Scryers) and Dalaran (the Sunreavers), despite having brutally sacked both cities before.

Because they could get into Dalaran, they were able to successfully send the Reply-Code: Alpha and save the world from Algalon.

And Velen knew it all along, and that's why he didn't stop the orcs- because Velen knew he'd need them for some nefarious purpose down the line, and every single word he says is designed not for the moment he's speaking, but for dozens or hundreds of years down the line.

Seriously. Prophets are damned scary when you realize that could be the case.
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