
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Alrighty, this is an RP server so with that in mind let's get to posting stories and all that creative jazz!

With the Shattering happening as early as next week or the week after that I decided to go ahead and write a quick piece about a very significant event: Cairne's death. Being the Metzen fan that I am... I am extremely disappointed that he decided to kill off such an amazing character. Those that know me know I've spent the past few weeks just going "WHY CAIRNE?! WHY?!" This short piece is somewhat of my way of coming into terms with the passing of a character that was very dear to me.

*Note: This technically hasn't happened yet in the game. Feel free to rp about it with Kalico once the shattering patch goes live.

As always kudos, suggestions, corrections and flames are welcomed!


The days had slowly crept by since Thrall had departed to Outlands. Once more, Kylea found herself navigating through the streets in Orgrimmar. There had been a time when this would have been a strange sight, the elf had always been fond of her home, favoring to navigate the lavish streets of Silvermoon whenever she had free time. Yet her oath to the Horde, and to herself, took her wherever her help was needed. For now the Earth Mother herself cried for help in this land and today she had ventured into the capital with her child in tow in hopes of helping the orphanage.

“Look!” Mordua smiled as she extended her little hand.
“Goblin,” Kylea chuckled as she whispered into the girl’s ear.

Regardless of what adversities came her way Kylea was rather thankful to have her children at her side. Despite all the tragedies that had befallen all of Azeroth’s inhabitants, the children always found something to be appreciative about. Well aware of the contagious nature of their joy, now more than ever Kylea kept her little ones close. What seemed like a dark moment in history still held a few wonders to it if one took time to see things through their eyes.

“Wat he do?” The crimson haired tot spoke softly as she turned to glance up at her mother.

“He’s building Orgrimmar again.” Fel tainted eyes narrowed as she admired the structure before them. One of Garrosh’s first orders as the new warchief of the Horde was to rebuild the city. An admirable decision that sent a strong message not only to the members of the Horde but to the watchful eyes of its enemies. Though the tension between both factions seemed to have reached its peak, things remained somewhat amicable between the two. Despite that, the blood knight was certain the King must have sent a sentry or two to keep a watchful eye on the activity within the Horde capital.

“Do you know why they’re building again?” She asked as she pressed a kiss to the sea of crimson curls upon her daughter’s crown. She slipped her hand under the girl’s chin, holding it up as she spoke. “Lok’tar ogar Mordua. Victory or death.”

“But dey no deaded momma.”

“No sweetheart, they’re not. You see, the elements sent the Horde a message t-“ A tiny hand fell upon her lips as the girl reached up to interrupt her. “Wat dey say?”

Mother and daughter made their way down the Drag, dodging past the crowds that had gathered to listen to the prophecies. “Well… they were being very bad spirits Mordua. They said they would take what they wanted, you know what they wanted?” The girl shook her head rapidly from side to side. “Well, they didn’t want to be confined. We are showing them that we will not lie down, that we will defy adversity with every fiber in our bodies and that this is their land… and ours.”

“Dat no how dey build! He doin’ it wong!”

“Wrong sweetheart,” Kylea carefully corrected the girl. “You forgot the r, arrrr.” The mother intoned for the girl, both laughing as the girl tried mimicking the other.

“Cairne has challenged Garrosh to a mak’gora.”

Kylea turned sharply at the word, her eyes narrowing once more as she spotted the two grunts. She swayed a bit closer, her ears flickering as she caught bits of their conversation.

“Not just any mak’gora… a traditional one.”

“Where?!” The orcs looked startled as the elf practically screamed the question at them. When the shock of the intruder finally subsided one of them reached up and pointed down the road. “The arena at the b-“ But before he could finish, the elf had disappeared into the crowd.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Though the elements seemed reluctant to hear the pleas of mortals, the wind swiftly carried the news. Word had traveled fast and Kylea found herself on an endless line leading into the arena. She held the girl tightly to her, shielding her from the sea of orcs, trolls and taurens around her. One by one it seemed the entire continent had come to bear witness to this certainly extraordinary event.

“Excus mee!” Mordua sung happily as a tauren stood before them.
“Hush Mordua,” Kylea placed one finger upon the girl’s lips.

The tauren offered the pair a warm smile as he gestured to a seat to his right. “A lady should not have to stand while the men sit.”

“Tankee!” Mordua’s hand reached her lips as she blew a kiss up to the tauren.

Kylea gave a light nod, the girl having stolen the words from her lips. She kept quiet as she took her seat beside two elder tauren. Her heart fell as she glanced around the arena. The other side was filled to the brim with trolls, orcs and the occasional blood elf or two. The side she had chosen to sit on was filled with taurens and unlike the other half of the stadium, this one had more elders than young ones.

A sense of horror overwhelmed the crimson haired knight as she watched both combatants step into the arena. Fear gripped her heart as she wondered what would become of the Horde if Garrosh was killed. Her eyes fell upon Cairne, despite his advanced age there was a magnificence to his form and had the circumstances been different Kylea would have probably even considered him handsome. If Garrosh fell… would there be more strife within the Horde? Or would everyone accept Cairne as warchief?

The knight’s eyes widened as she watched the battle unfold before her and for a while it seemed like the old bull had the upper hand. Garrosh had one thing going for him, brute force. Yet while he relied solely on his muscles, Cairne relied on his experience. Kylea held her breath whenever Garrosh would charge but Cairne would just step aside. The knight sympathized more with Cairne than she did with the young warchief but with everything going on now was not the time to waste efforts fighting among each other.

She shut her eyes, the thundering roar of two ancient weapons crashing together. A few moments later her beloved daughter let out a cry as she felt her mother’s nails dig into her skin. Kylea glanced down at the little girl muttering a quick apology when it happened.

In the blink of an eye Cairne had fallen to his knees. The crowd let out a gasp as Gorehowl tore through the air, its vicious howl piercing into the wonderful life that lay before it.
“Don’t look Mordua!” Kylea cried, covering the girl’s eyes with her hand. But despite her best efforts, she could do nothing to shield the girl from the cries all around them.


“Stars still shine when they're gone, hearts that break will still beat on.” Kylea’s eyes closed as she raised her voice to the heavens. Her hands trembled as she held onto her daughter, tears streaming down her cheeks as she kept up with the procession.

A deep sigh pushed past the knight’s lips as she glanced at those around her. A great leader had been lost and as expected, not a single eye was dry. Yet there was one thing that seemed out of place for a group that had just lost their leader. The songs around her spoke not of despair but rather… joy.

The small crowd took turns carrying the beloved chieftain’s body. Kylea was no different, she handed the little girl off to an elder and took her turn. She hesitated, reaching up to touch the wrappings that covered his still body. It was then that she understood the joy behind the taurens’ tears. They mourned his passing and yet relished the fact that they had walked along this amazing tauren. This was not the time for quarrels nor despair, it was not the time to buckle under the weight of sadness nor give in to hopelessness. To do so would mean to tarnish his memory, to destroy that which he had worked for. Now more than ever was the time to hold firm to the values of the Horde, now more than ever was the time to fight for the beliefs they had held sacred.

“And I'll remember the strength that you gave me, now that I'm standing on my own.” Her voice rose blending into the prayers and songs the rest of the crowd sung. This time there was no sorrow in her voice but rather joy, “I'll remember the way that you saved me...”
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
((Awesome as always. <3))
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