Looking for people to join my new guild

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Join my guild we are a very helpful guild we help you if needed and we do raids every weekend and willing to help people gear there 90's and willing to lvl this guild cuase we need more guilds running just cuase you are lvl 10 or what ever BoA still help lvl LOL Psst me or reply me on here I would appriciate it guyz!!!!! THanks ALot!!!!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I want to light a few candles, soak in a hot strawberry-scented bubble bath and read your diary cover to cover... poetry.
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90 Pandaren Priest
Can I drink the bath water when you're done?
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90 Tauren Druid
What, the chemicals under the bathroom sink not enough for you, Hael?
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90 Pandaren Priest
NOPE! These are scented with strawberry. I like strawberries.....
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