[RP] The Goblin's Voice

85 Blood Elf Rogue
((So I thought I would post this here because I have been playing at it for a while now. Basically, I have not been RPing at all on CC for a LONG time. In other words, this is my opener. If you want to RP or anything, please get a hold of me on CC somewhere.

Most of the time, I am in Org, Rachet, or Booty Bay. I am still a scrub when it comes to RP in game in the end. Just letting you know.))

Her head hung low against the cedar table. Lightly, she ran her right hand around the cracks in the elder furnishings. It just wasn't a good day for her currently. Too much drinking and way too many Goblins around to say no more. The sun hasn't risen a handful of days since her return to Booty Bay.

She could hear light footsteps resound in the nearby room, indicating someone was coming in. With a slight crack of the door, sunlight rushed in from the window behind the now fully open door. A small Goblin, obviously one of the Trade Fleet Captains by the way he was dressed, approached the denounced Blood Elf female with slight caution.

“Hey there Guild. I see they didn't leave you alone last night.” The Fleet Captain proclaimed with a light laugh. She didn't lift her head fully, but from what he could see, it was something along the line of disdain or nauseous.

“I see the booze didn't affect you as much as they did me.” Guild placed both hands on the table and forcefully pushed her body against the back of the stiff, wooden chair. Her black hair fell around her shoulders as her hands subtly combed through the small knots and tangles so they laid back in a lush and vibrant black bounce of wavy hair. As she finished, she moved her left hand over her right eye. It came with a little astonishment that her patch was gone. She jumped out the chair and almost took the table out of the picture with it. Hand still over her eye, she frantically sought her belongings.

The Captain smiled. “Here ya go! I found it in the main area last night. I didn't want you to freak out too much, so I thought I would bring it to you when you woke up. Been checkin' up on ya for a little while now.” His expression was light with a little pride and yet, could see a little remorse thrown into the mix. He extended his hand and gave her the patch.

The patch was made of solid black Kodo leather, aligned with small rune carvings burned into the thin strap. The blinder was what seemed to be a singed scale from a mighty Dragon. On closer inspection you could make out a small glitter of bronze like luminescence from the scale. The dragon from which the scale originated was from one of the Bronze Dragonflight, and with that holds not only value to many other people, but also could point to the whereabouts of the Timeless One, Nozdormu.

Guild was already near The Captain when he offered her the patch. Her expression fell back into calm as she carefully relinquished the headpiece from him.

“Thank you, Gazlowe. I appreciate you looking out for my best interest.” She smiled lightly and gave a slight bow.

“Haha! I would've charged you a good penny for the return of it. But ya know what? That would be bad for business. I have too many issue right now commanding the small fleet from Rachet still.” Gazlowe gave a cheery nod in return. “You better get your small butt out there if you want something eat through. I don't think the others are going to wait for ya too long.”

Gazlowe, with a swift twist of his heels, was already turned around and on his way out the door. It has been a long time since Guild had seen the small Goblin leader of Rachet. Apparently something was happening and now has control of a Trade Fleet. It was none of her business really. But, then again, it would soon become hers to deal with.

Guild had a position among the Goblins. Something that never would be given to anyone outside the Goblin race due to being neutral. Her name was given to her by the Goblin Trade Princes. All five of them would put together a new network of Auction Houses and Trade Regions. Guild, though, would be the voice for all these Trade Princes to all the races of Azeroth. She adorned robes and held statuette in all the factions Home Cities as a member of the Goblin Trade Companies. Though, the Alliance would in the beginning show slight hatred and confusion to the motion as if the Goblins had finally picked a side, but in the end through reclamations from the Trade Princes, they were assured that Guild held no status with any Faction or Race besides the Goblins.

This was going to be a long day.
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
((If you want to join in on this currently, please feel free. While RP is going on, I will be interjecting with obvious continuation of the background of Guild and <Auction House>.))
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